Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the municipal corporations in Ireland: first report

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Parishes, &c. 
of Houses. 
Nicholas Without 871 18,226 St. 
Patrick's Libei *ty 123 3,027 St. 
Audeon 426 19,399 St. 
Catherine 1,264 31,921 St. 
Luke 337 7,654 St. 
James 625 13,176 St. 
Thomas 1,373 65,537 St. 
George 1,261 63,900 St. 
Mary 2,018 91,895 St. 
Michan 1,464 43,568 St. 
Paul 786 21,632 Grange Gorman 472 6,102 

Minister's Money Proportion of Minister's 

as rated. 
Money to Valuation, 207 . 
l-88th (Extra parochial.) 
220 . 

, 395 , l-80th 92 . 
l-83d 109 . 
l-120th 684 . 
l-95th 628 , l-101st 974 . 
l-94th 488 . 
l-90th 255 . 
l-83d (Not rated to Minister's Money. 
17,324 704,752 7,277 Average proportion of minister's money to amount of valuation, omitting Patrick's Liberty and Grange Gorman, nearly l-97th. 
Average value of all the houses in each parish, according to the rate of valuation adopted by the commissioners, and number of houses not rated over 10Z. 
annual value in each parish:— 

Average Value. 
Not valued Proportion of such Houses 

above 10/. 
to the whole. 
Peter . 
£55 5 0 397 about l-6th St. 
Mark 35 17 3 235 ,'j 

l-4th St. 
Anne 73 18 8 17 „ l-46th St. 
Andrew • 62 19 1 17 >> 

l-43rd St. 
John 33 16 8 36 }> 

l-8th St. 
Werburgh 58 0 2 7 3) 

l-30th St. 
Bridget 311 8 8 66 33 

1-llth St. 
Michael 32 15 4 17 3} 

l-6th St. 
Nicholas Within 38 2 10 8 , 

l-13th St. 
Nicholas Without 20 16 2 217 33 

l-4th St. 
Patrick's Liberty 24 12 2 31 3) 

l-4th St. 
Audeon 45 10 9 59 S3 

l-7th St. 
Catherine 25 5 0 352 3> 

l-7th St. 
Luke 22 14 3 111 33 

l-3rd St. 
James 21 1 7 264 33 

5-12th St. 
Thomas 47 14 7 221 33 

l-6th St. 
George 50 13 8 293 33 

l-4th St. 
Thorny 45 10 9 192 33 

1-lOth St. 
Michan 29 15 2 252 33 

l-6th St. 
Paul 27 10 5 180 33 

l-4th Grange Gorman 12 18 6 249 33 

l-2d Average valuation of all tl le houses in the several parishes £ 40 13 7 Total number not valued over 10Z. 
, .# 
• 3,211 0 0 By the 12th section of the Act the commissioners were directed to distribute and divide all the houses and premises valued by them " into such number of classes or divisions as the several gradations in value of such houses and premises shall, in the opinion of the commissioners, render necessary, not exceeding twenty classes in the whole." 
They accordingly divided the houses, &c. 
into twenty classes, according to the following gradations. 
We annex the total number of houses returned in each class:— 

Total Number of Houses in each Class. 



61 25 







1,141 , 858 


1,176 , 1,138 * 1,240 


1,332 . 

, 1,657 


Class Gradation. 
Houses exceeding £300 annual value 2. 

33 above 250 and to £300 inclusive . 
33 200 33 250 

33 • 4. 

33 150 13 200 33 » 5. 

S3 125 33 150 

33 « 6. 

33 100 33 125 33 « 7. 
33 80 33 100 33 * 8. 

S3 70 33 80 33 9. 
33 60 33 70 33 • 10. 

33 50 3) 60 33 • 11. 
33 33 *y 33 50 S3 « 12. 

33 40 33 45 33 • 13. 
33 35 33 40 33 • 14. 
33 30 33 35 

33 " 15. 

33 25 S3 30 S3 • 16. 

33 20 S3 25 Sf • 17. 
33 15 S3 20 S3 • 18. 

33 10 si 15 33 » 19. 

33 5 Sf 10 » * 20. 

tl at and under 5 * • « *