Return of Expense of Carlow District Lunatic Asylum

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IlETURN to an Order of the llonourable House of Commons, 

datcd 25 March 1833 ;_-/ör, 

A RETURN of the Extnnse of erecting tho Carlow District Lunatic Asylum; distinguishing the Purctiase of Land, &c. 
from the Expense of the Building. 

/l I S 0, A RETURN ofthe Expense of inaintaining and supporting the said Asylum, from its opening, on the SM May 1832, to the 30th January 1833, distinguishing Salaries, with the Names ofthe Oeficers to whom paid, Crom other Expenses ; also, the Number of Lunatics therein, when and where received from, and the Proportion from each ofthe Counties in the District, and if all the Lunatics hcretofore maintained in the said Counties have been admitted; also, the Proportion of said Expenditure, Crom 3d May 1833 to 30th January 1833, as required from the Counties of Carlow, Kildare, Wexford, Kilkenny, and County of the City of Kilkenny; pursuant to the Order of the Lords Justicos in Council, dated 
February 1833; and on what Data the said Proportion was made, whether on the Number of Lunatics, or tlie Extent of Acres in each County. 


Ordered, 6y The House of Commons, io &e Prätee/, 

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