J.N. Johnson to Charlotte MacCulloch and A.A. Campbell. Page 104

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Document ID 9912204
Document Type Letters (Other)
Archive Campbell
Citation J.N. Johnson to Charlotte MacCulloch and A.A. Campbell. Page 104;OMAFP.2011.62; CMSIED 9912204
Page 104

We have sent you copies of all the instruments
in our hands pertaining to the Campbell estate. I did not
know of the deed Mr. A.A. Campbell speaks of in his letter,
but will do as he suggests and write to Mr . Orrick for a 
copy of same.

So far as breaking the will of Hugh Campbell is
concerned, will say that Mr. Leahy thought that Hugh Campbell
along with his brothers was not well balanced mentally, in
fact non compos mentis and that undue influence had been
used to get him to leave his money as he did. Mr Leahy
seemed to think he had a good case and possibly he thought
that he could get a good compromise anyway.

I do not know whether the McClellan heirs are
going further with the suit, or not.

June 12th 1932


For Miss Charlotte MacCulloch
And Mr A.A. Campbell

You needn’t return this

Transcribed by Brian McCrory