Brig Nimrod, from St Johns N.B.

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Document ID 205333
Date 29-09-1820
Document Type Passenger Lists
Archive Public Record Office, Northern Ireland
Citation Brig Nimrod, from St Johns N.B.; CMSIED 205333
REPORT OR MANIFEST of all the Passengers taken
on board the Brig Nimrod whereof J.C.Blanchard
is Master, from St Andrews burthen 139
Tons and owned by Elias [?] & Oliver J Nartshop

Names         Age  Sex  Occupation  Country   Country
                                    Belonging Inhabiting
John Campbell 25   M    Mechanic    Ireland   U.States
James Campbell 1   M                Ireland   U.States
[?] Campbell  20   F                Ireland   U.States
Eliza Smith   15   F                Ireland   U.States
Jane Smith    14   M                Ireland   U.States
John Brady    30   M    Farmer      Ireland   U.States
Gilbert Brady 70   M    Farmer      Ireland   U.States
Rebecca Brady 50   F                Ireland   U.States
Gilbert Brady 17   M                Ireland   U.States
Sarah Lovett  34   F                Ireland   U.States
John Graham   14   M                Ireland   U.States
Robert Smith  22   M    Farmer      Ireland   U.States
[?] Smith     21   F                Ireland   U.States
Thomas O'Neal 25   M    Weaver      Ireland   U.States
Isabella O'Neal
              24   F                Ireland   U.States
Mary Jane O'Neal
               2   F                Ireland   U.States
Elizabeth Porter
              10   F                Ireland   U.States
Margaret Porter
              14   F                Ireland   U.States
Hannah Porter 10   F                Ireland   U.States
Jane Porter    8   F                Ireland   U.States
James Broadbury
              22   M                Ireland   U.States
Shay Broadbury
              26   F                Ireland   U.States
Catherine Lapharp
              27   F                Ireland   U.States
John Hardin   35   M    Farmer      Ireland   U.States
Jane Hardin   30   F                Ireland   U.States
William Hardin12   M                Ireland   U.States
Sarah Hardin  10   F                Ireland   U.States
Alexander Hardin
               8   M                Ireland   U.States
Mary Hardin    7   F                Ireland   U.States
Ellen Hardin   5   F                Ireland   U.States
Robert Hardin  3   M                Ireland   U.States
Harding        1   M                Ireland   U.States
James Williamson
              23   M    Weaver      Ireland   U.States
Agnes Williamson
              23   F                Ireland   U.States
Racheal Williamson
               1   F                Ireland   U.States
Adam McNeally 70   M    Farmer      Ireland   U.States
Jane McNeally 61   F                Ireland   U.States
William McNeally
              25   M    Farmer      Ireland   U.States
Ellen McNeally
              23   M    Farmer      Ireland   U.States
Andrew McNeally
              23   M    Farmer      Ireland   U.States
James McKee   28   M    Farmer      Ireland   U.States
Sarah McKee   28   F    Farmer      Ireland   U.States
William McKee  6   M    Farmer      Ireland   U.States
Charlotte McKee
               3   F                Ireland   U.States
James McKee    1   M                Ireland   U.States
Jane Jenkins  37   F                Ireland   U.States
Jane Jenkins  11   F                Ireland   U.States
Robert Jenkins 8   M                Ireland   U.States
John Jenkins   4   M                Ireland   U.States

I Joxwell C Blanchard do solemnly, sincerely, and
truly swear that the Report or Manifest subscribed
with my name, and now delivered by me to the collector
of the District of Philadelphia, contains, to the
best of my knowledge and belief, a just and true
account of all the passengers which were on board
the Brig Nimrod at the time of her sailing
from the port of St Andrews or which have been
taken on board at any time since; that I am at
present and have been during the voyage, master
of the said vessel.  And I do likewise swear that
all matters whatsoever in the said Report or
Manifest, are to the best of my knowledge and
belief, just and true.

 Sworn before me, this 29 day of September 1820.

                              Joxwell C Blanchard.

Total No. of Passengers: 49

Transcribed by Peter Best.