Henry Neill, Burlington, Iowa to Samuel Neill, Co. Down

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Document ID 0611009
Date 02-09-1843
Document Type Letters (Emigrants)
Archive Mellon Centre for Migration Studies
Citation Henry Neill, Burlington, Iowa to Samuel Neill, Co. Down;Donated by Hilary Murphy; CMSIED 0611009
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   				Burlington Iowa Sept 2nd 1843

Dear Father, Statements of my Brothers (Jas [James?] and Matthew)
concerning the say so of some of my relatives in Ireland 
displaying a disposition to disbelieve my statements concerning
my situation in this country, has doubtless operated on my feelings
so as to cause me to be more negligent in writing than otherwise
might have been.

      However knowing that you will be always glad to hear 
from any of your Sons here I now write you these lines hoping 
they may find You, My Mother, and all friends, in good health as 
they now leave me and mine in this place, I have been in this place 
nearly five months, during which time my wife and I have enjoyed 
excellent health we are both well pleased with this place. We are 
now living on Water Street in the House which I got with my 
wife. Since I came here I bot [bought?] some other property as I 
am doubtless settled here for life, the Mercantile business of the 
place is all done on the Streets adjacent to the river and on the 
back Streets (as we call them) are private dwellings &c [etc.?] Some 
time since I bought a House and Lot back on the Sixth Street from 
the river which is a handsome site for a residence though at 
present I both live and carry on business on Water Street (right on 
the River bank). Since I came here I have bought a most beautiful 
farm of 160 acres within eight miles of this place. I have it rented, 
the man who farms it finds his own farming utensils, seed and all, 
and I receive one third of the crop. There is under cultivation of 
this farm about fifty acres the balance mostly Timbered land. The 
place John and I bot  [bought?] in Partnership we have divided. I 
hold 100 acres of the best and most improved part of it and He had 
140 of which he sold 70 leaving him now 70 acres where He lives 
it is his intention as soon as he gets a house built on 40 acres 
which he owns within 2œ or 3 miles of this place to move to it.  
Brother James is still living on the land 

[Page 2]
which he got with his wife 
(240 acres) about five miles from town. He appears to be doing 
well. Brother Matthew is yet in Louisville at a Salary of $300. this 
year tho [though?] I think he also will ere long move to this place.  
A few days ago I bought (at Sheriff Sale) 80 acres of land 
adjoining my 100 acres for $200 the owner has the right of 
redeeming it within two months by paying me my outlay together 
with 5 [per?] Cent that is $210 in all. Most of the neighbors 
[neighbours?] say He will be unable to redeem it. If so I will then 
have a good farm there of 180 acres the other I bought of 160 
acres and two Houses in town in all four situations in any one of 
which I can live better than that of my best prospects had I staid 
[stayed?] in Ireland, tis [it is?] true I am in debt about $500 but I 
have more property not speaking of debt owing to me than would 
pay it all without touching any of my Real estate.
In the proper place I should have told you that we have a 
law in this country concerning property under execution, before 
the sale it is valued by sworn appraisers, who give it in to be worth 
so much (which by the bye is generally too low) then at the sale it 
must bring two thirds of that value, else it cant be sold.  But any 
person bidding ? or more gets the property the owner having the 
right of redeeming it in a specified time by paying the purchaser a 
high interest which by the bye they are seldom able to do.

      Dear Father if any of your acquaintances should enquire 
concerning this country I would have no hesitation in 
recommending Iowa as best adapted to the interests of those wishing 
to settle on Farms of any place. I have been in the United States, it 
is easy getting land here at least more so than in any of the Older 
States though it is fast advancing in price and near towns it now 
sells pretty high.

[Page 3]
 Land around within from 1 to 2 miles of town is 
worth from $15 to $40 [per?] acre according to quality and 
improvements within say from 5 to 8 miles is worth from $5 to 
$20 varying according to the situation and improvements of the 
land and By going back to the new purchased (a tract lately 
bought of the Indians by the United States) you may get land as 
low as $1.25 [per?] acre which is the congress price though in 
most cases a stranger will have to buy the claim from the Squatter 
and then pay the Dollar and Twenty-five cents to the government 
(this I think I described to you once before).

      As to our produce markets the farmers are paid here for 
Pork $2  per 100th wheat 50 cents [per?] Bushel corn 18Ÿ oats
16 to 20 Potatoes 25 cents cornmeal 31Π Flour $4 [per?] Barrel 
or $2 [per?] 100-- [th?] Butter from 6Πto 8 cents eggs 5 [per?] dozen 
chickens from 50 to 75 [per?] Doz [dozen?].  An [stained] their 
groceries &c [etc.?] they pay for Sugar from 6Πto 8 cts [cents?]
Coffee [Stained] Tea from 87œ to $1.25 Rice 8 cts [cents?] Whiskey 
25 to 50 [per?] Gallon, English Broad cloth are higher here.  
But then the country people can make a Fabric called Jeans part 
wool and part cotton which looks nearly as well and equal in comfort 
and durability they most all keep sheep and spin their own wool and 
buy the cotton yarn which we sell them at 20 [per?] lb and
thus they get up their clothing good and cheap it in most cases 
being females who weave. I have often when travelling through 
the country seen both old women and maidens engaged at this 
occupation tho [though?] I seldom saw a man weaving. From this 
it might be thought that the females have the drudgery to do in this 
country but it is decidedly a false impression, the condition of the 
females compared with the males is most certainly fifty per cent 
better than in the Old Country. For want of space I now stop short 
of my subject and aim whilst I remain Your Distant Son