Incomplete Letter

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Document ID 209204
Document Type Letters (Emigrants)
Archive M. G. Browne
Citation Incomplete Letter;Copyright Retained by Margaret G. Browne; CMSIED 209204
Part of the Margaret Graham Browne Collection

[you?] [never?] [mentioned?] [either?] [Miss?]
Graham or Miss Robison what was the
 cause of that [I?] thought you [and?]
[Mary?] were nearly married by [now?]
all [stained] [stained] [stained] But I hope
 you will take [care?] and [let?]
[none?] of Them [deprive?] me of
so [fond?] a [treasure?]

I hear that [there?] will be a [very?] [bad?]
[spell?] [of?] weather [with?] you you could
[not?] do better than [come?] home you
would have a great [many?]  [adventures?]
[to?] [tell?] [how?] as [short?] a [time?] as you are
away & would [like?] [you?] [would?]
[explain?]  to me what you [mean?] by
saying you would put more in your letter if you [torn]

P1 Across
                [I?] [suppose?] [you?]
have been expecting a
 letter  [from?] [---?] are [----?]
but [I?] [explained?] [I?] [didnt?]
think [I?] [would?]   [spend?] [long?]
[myself?] [but?] [this?] [time?]
[---?] [---?]  [---?] [letter?]

P2 Across
I had to [stop?] [six?] [weeks?]
[with?] Bella as she was ill
at  the time and then
when I got home after [six?]
weeks [imprisonment?] [?]
[I?] [can?] get no more   [further?]
[excuse?] for it [the?] way [was?]
[taken?] [?] [?] [?] [?]
[some?] [unease?] in the head
so you see [--cry?] may be
we were hoping for her
recovery but in [----?]
I had then to [start?] [off?]
with her [for?] Dublin

(* The owner of these documents has informed us that this
townland is spelt "Rathneeny" and that the older spellings of it
are "Roniney" or "Raneny".  In the "Index To The Townlands and
Towns, Parishes and Baronies of Ireland" the spelling is