Henry Neill, Kentucky to Matthew Neill, Co. Down

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Document ID 0611001
Date 15-09-1840
Document Type Letters (Emigrants)
Archive Mellon Centre for Migration Studies
Citation Henry Neill, Kentucky to Matthew Neill, Co. Down;Donated by Hilary Murphy; CMSIED 0611001
[Front of Envelope]
Mr Matthew Neill

Mr Wm [William?] [McCauley?]

Ship Letter

[Page 1]
			Louisville, Ky. [Kentucky?] Sept 15th 1840

Dear Brother, I Recd [received?] your letter of the 26th July on the
24th of August and in order to be able to give you as much
information as possible I delayed writing till now as I was
expecting a letter from John which I have now Recd [received?]
which informs me that He was married on the 16th of July. But as
to your enquiries. the requisite qualifications as to learning are
good spelling, reading, writing a good hand, a good knowledge of
arithmetic and likewise English Grammar and Geography. the two
last are indispensably [indispensably?] necessary for a Teacher 
and is the only deficiency I laboured under. However I give it as 
my opinion from the experience I have had that the best qualification 
a young man could have coming to this country is, added 
to a good education ability and will to make good use of the flail,
spade, shovel, plough and if possible to be a Jack of all trades and
capable of turning his hands to any thing and To all such I would
gaurantee [guarantee?] success in pushing their fortune in this 
country. And as to advising you concerning coming here I cannot 
at this time say anything farther than you will have as good a 
prospect in going on to Burlington as you could have here. I am 
only engaged to the first of April and I may possibly be there 
(as soon or probably) before you.

      However you shall hear from me as soon as you land in N.O. 
[New Orleans?] by calling on Mr Dobbin to whom I will direct for 
you and should I stop another year in this place and find a situation 
or a prospect of one for you I shall let you know. Meantime I request 
you to write to me as soon as you ascertain what time you expect to 
sail that I may know when to write to New Orleans (for you).

[Page 2]

[Map drawn over this page and finishes on page 3]
And next as to your enquiry concerning clothing it would be well
to have a good quantity of woolen [woollen?] and linen both of 
which are higher here than with you so is shoes and in fact everything. 
The only difficulty is the difference in making as the usual mode of
making clothes with you appear awkward here dress coats in
particular, and the narrow brim and taper [S-----oin ----------re?]
in this country ridiculous broad fall cloth pants and frock coats and the
only clothing made the same as here.

On the 2nd Inst I recd [received?] a letter from Father dated May
16th from his letter he appears to have no idea of our position
here but I wrote to him some time ago, which I think will
impart more knowledge as to our situation. John is two
weeks journey from here. He also speaks of having a map of the
river from Pittsburgh to New Orleans this only includes the Ohio
and lower Mississippi or even if it did show the upper Miss. which 
is from the mouth of the Ohio up the Miss. [Mississippi?] to the 
head waters at its date viz 1833 Burlington was not settled the 
distance from New Orleans to the junction of the Ohio and 
Mississippi rivers is about 1015 miles and where there instead of 
coming up the Ohio (which would be distance of 1366 Miles from 
New Orleans to this place) You goup [go up?] the Mississippi river to 
Bainbridge Mo. [Missouri?] 50 miles from thence to the St. 
Genevieve 62 miles thence to St. Louis 69 miles thence to the 
mouth of Missouri River 18 miles the different places of note 
from thence and Alton Ill. [Illnois?] Hamburgh Mo. [Missouri?] 
Louisiana, Hannibal, Marion City, Tumey, Lagrange, Warsaw Ill. 
[Illinois?] Mouth of Desmoines River (which separate Iowa from Mo. 
[Missouri?] Keokuck I.T. [Iowa Territory?] Commerce Ill. [Illinois?] 
Fort Madison I. T. [Iowa Territory?] Burlington, I.T. [Iowa Territory?] 
making a distance of about 430 miles from the mouth of Ohio River 
up the Miss. [Mississippi?] to Burlington. The last letter I recd 
[received?] from John is dated August 23rd the stock on hand at that
 time was 

[Page 3]
– a yoke of oxen, a cow and calf a good mare and 18 head 
of hogs – large and small on 240 acres of land eighteen or twenty of 
which is cleared and mostly under crop this season, in which He and 
I are equal partners. He has also a house and two lots in Burlington 
which he got with his wife, and forty acres of land within 3 miles of
Burlington which his Fatherinlaw [Father-in-law?] gave him after
his marriage this he says is all timbered land (our 240 acres on which
he is now using is 6 miles from Burlington.

As to what Father says about bringing a plough with him it is a
singular Idea but it might be well enough as there is nothing equal
to it (if it be a good one) in this country. I send you some
newspapers with this and I request you to write to me as soon as
you can give me, satisfaction , the name of the ship [-rach-ible?] and I
would only add the earlier the better.

Mr Dobbin of New Orleans is none of those my father has
conjectured. He was born near Maharalin [Magheralin?] in
Ireland and his father and family left there when He was very
young probably [Missing] 25 or 30 years ago (or more) the old mans 
name was William John Dobbin and lived near the Canal bridge on 
the way from – Gilhall to Moira - on the opposite side I give you a –
vague sketch of the River with some of the principal cities and
towns and as I haste I hope you will excuse this careless manner
of writing and punctuation.
			[No more?] at present Yours &c [etc.?]