C. Park to Dear Willie

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Document ID 201001012
Date 17-12-1880
Document Type Letters (Emigrants)
Archive Mellon Centre for Migration Studies
Citation C. Park to Dear Willie;Dermot Lyttle ; CMSIED 201001012
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South 17th St.No. 909
Philadelphia Pa.
17th Dec 1880

Dear Willie I am sure
you will be looking out for
a note from me long ere your
receive this. We had an exceedingly
rough voyage and
I assure you we were not
sorry to meet with our
friends in Philadelphia
Philadelphia is a very large
& beautiful city populated
as far as I can see, with
rogues, cheats  bummers
loafers,swindlers sabath [Sabbath?]
breakers beer drinkers, Jews
Gentiles etc. I intend to commence
the cigar business and have

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rented a store & dwelling
for this purpose. You have 
no idea of the numbers of
people earning their bread
at this business.  I have it
from good authority that there 
are over 8,000 cigar stores
in this city & that over 2,000
of of these manufacture
as well as retail this article.
When I be better acquainted
with the city I intend
to  manufacture & in the 
mean timeI will retail
cigars & tobacco
My Brother Edward is
at this business & I believe
my brother in law is doing
very well alsO. I am commencing
to furnish my store to day

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& intend opening on the
21st of this month.
I stayed the first
week with my brother in law
& I am now with Brother Edward.  
I have got so many friends here
that I could live at free
lodgings for a long time
& as I am going to commence
business so soon I fear
some of them will be disappointed
because Ill not (as they say)
give them a week.
Kindly remember me to Uncle
Aunt & your Grandma
With best wishes 
      I remain
          Your aff [affectionate?] cousin