William Stavely, Pennsylvania to James Stavely, Belfast.

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Document ID 9409346
Date 22-09-1864
Document Type Letters (Emigrants)
Archive Public Record Office, Northern Ireland
Citation William Stavely, Pennsylvania to James Stavely, Belfast.; PRONI D1835/27; CMSIED 9409346
                                  August. 22. 1864
My dear James,
               My last to you was written in March, Since
Which I have none from you,and I suppose From May with
regularity. I was in Philadelphia in April, & in the
latter part of July & the two first days of this month,
it was my intention to have written you from there, but
although I had the paper before me & the pen in my hand
for that purpose, the heat was so intolerable, I could
not think of writing till a more suitable time. Since
my return I have been very busy, hence the delay.
   No circumstance, of much importance has befallen me
or mine Since the date of my last. Martha is in good health.
John Adams is here in the employment of the Company, Hannah
Thompson is at the Female Seminary. Washington Pa [Pennsylvania?]
Joseph Hind, is at the Agricultural College Centre Co.[County?]
& though last not least, William Thomas, Sucks & lies in his
Cradle as suits his Convenience. My own health has been very
good. I am however rather overwrought, first because, any
person holding my situation, who will do the Company justice,
must be very diligent, but principally because of the impossibility
of getting the right assistants, owing to the state of the Country
at present. It may not be out of place to say, the Store has done
well under my Controul, [Control?] last month, our sales were
between, Seven & Eight thousand dollars which I at least think,
a large sum, for many of our sales are small, I only bought about
$10.000 worth of goods last time, they cost too much at present.
I propose being in Philadelphia about the 20th October. For the
future, I will there, at least every three months, it being
hazardous to buy many goods at once, When I was in Philadelphia
I saw James Monro frequently, & I spent an evening at his lodgings,
where he treated me with much respect He boards with a family,
who are members of Rev McNilieys Congregation, they have his,
Mr Moores children, clean neatly dressed, in my opinion all
are comfortable, Mr Moore has a tolerable good situation,
for a stranger. We have been talking together, about the
future, I think by the spring of next year he can go into
an employment would be profitable, In the meantime, I think
he has seen his worst days, the future will be brighter.
I suppose it is not out of place to inform, I wrote the
Directors of the P.S.M.& C on monday 23rd May (they received
it on the 25th the day their board meets, & on the 27th had
their reply). in which I briefly narrated, my original
agreement, & requested an increase of salary The President
wrote me as above, stating my letter had been laid before
the Directors, & they had agreed to allow me fifty dollars
per month with  fifteen per cent, on the nett [net?]
profits, of the store, less, the first $2000 which they
reserve to meet interest & my increase percentage, to
commence on the first July 1863 (three) nearly 14 months
since - This is 10 per cent on the profits more than I
had & will make my salary $1200 for the year ending the
30th June. Should I live & the Country get better the
situation may become reasonably good. At present taxes
are enormous, food & clothing equally so which with the
increased cost incurred by my children at school -
requires a large expenditure of money - Yet with all
these disadvantages, perhaps I may yet do some good.
On my return from P.delphia [Philadelphia?] I left
the main track, & went to see my Son in Centre Co.
[County?] I think he is at an excellent institution,
one at which the requirements of body & mind are
attended to. he appears very contented & will be
home in the end of December for vacation.
The Company here are putting up some large stone
buildings for chemical purposes, one of these is
200 hundred feet long & forty feet high - the
capacity of the Chemical works will be doubled,
If ever this war is honourably settled. This will
be a great , if not the greatest establishment in
America The draft which comes off on the fifth of
September, is doing much injury at present.- It
disarranges everything I do not know what the
Company will do for men
I think it somewhat strange you do not write me
oftener I should like to hear about my father -
much do I long to see him but that can never
be this side the grave, Wishing Anne your children
& yourself all possible good I am
                      Dearest James, Yours truly Wm. Stavely

P.S. When you write, let me know, if the potatoes
grew I sent you, How did they yield - This question
has been repeatedly asked me