Ticket for James McDowell, Derry to New York

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Document ID 302018
Date 25-02-1867
Document Type Newspapers (Shipping News)
Archive Ballycastle Museum
Citation Ticket for James McDowell, Derry to New York;Photocopied by Kind Permission of Mr G. McKinley; CMSIED 302018
Ticket No.4

           25th day of Feby 1867

        STEAM - SHIP Caledonia

            TO SAIL FROM

           Londonderry, for New York

         On the 2nd day of March 1867

                                             Equal to
                NAMES,                 Ages, Statute
Occupation.  Country
   of Birth.

        Jas [James] McDowell            16     1           Baker

                    1 Soul, equal to 1  Statute Adult.

          Passage - Money, including all Charges,........£4 :15

               Deposit,...£ 2: 0 :0

               Balance,...£ 2:15 :0 Received 25th day of Feby
[February?] 1867

                 Total,...£ 4:15: 0

                            Address, Jas [James] McDowall

                                     Gartcony [Gortconny?]


Transcribed by Gordon Drummond