Andrew Greenlees, Platsburgh, to "Dear Brother".

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Document ID 9903001
Date 01-11-1852
Document Type Letters (Emigrants)
Archive Public Record Office, Northern Ireland
Citation Andrew Greenlees, Platsburgh, to "Dear Brother".; PRONI D3561/; CMSIED 9903001
Nov. 25th 1852
from Andrew Greenlees
                   Platsburgh November 1st 1852
                         Dear Brother
                                   I received your
very kind letter of September 19th it came to hand
October 1st  I felt happy to hear from you and
glad that harvest work was progressing prosperously
I would like to know if you had any missings of
me at all as on the night of the churn if there
was any wondering what Andrew was doing
but no more of that I must tell you a little about
this wooden country as far as I see of it it is
certainly a good country for the farmer  Markets
here have been good this season Pork 8 to 9
dollars per 100ths the farmer gets more justice here
than in the old country no theaiving [thieving?] off
8 lbs to the cut and 11 lbs to the pig
here if you have got 10 cut of pork to sell is no
matter what quantity you sell for so much
per cut 100lbs is the cut here and you are paid
for every pound your pig weighs no matter who [how?] much
 Wheat one dollar per bushel oats 40 to 45
cents butter 18 to 20 cents per pound
So you see a man that has a farm cleared can
live pretty comfortably  but now something concerning
my self  I am learning the moulding buisness
[business?] and getting on pretty well it is the best
trade here for making money there is  a young man
can to better to take a trade than to be knocked
about by the farmer.  It is quite different here the
system of farming for my part I thing [think?] I can learn
my trade as fast as I could there [their?] way of farming
There and then I have a business that will do something
for me another season   I am more my own master
I can wash up when night comes and go to my room
and feel quite independant [independent?] of any farmer and his
employ  I don't believe much in working sore all day and then
take the pails and go off after the cows through the
woods and milk them  It's the men that milks
here   I learned to milk since I come but I suppose
you will argue with me that when I was tired
out at night I did not wait to sk--b [scrub?] the last
one or two very clean  let sister Janet know
that if ever I be home I'll can milk for though
I have no great love for the same business, she
had ought to learn Robert to milk I guess
he could pull their tits pretty well
tis a very healthy place this where I live Platsburgh
is built upon the edge of the lake Champlain
the steamers plying back and forward
from White hall Burlington Rousses point
St Johns and the various towns bordering
on the lake makes it quite a business place
but the steamers now will soon be laid past
for this season the fall is come twill
soon be winter and the stage coach will take
the place of the steamers upon the Lake
who [how?] wonderful the one month steamers &
schooners and boats of every description plying
through the waters of the lake  the next month
the mighty waters are become solid as a rock and
the prancing of horses and the crack of the driver
whip is heard as he joins with his half frozen
passengers upon the sleigh  what a contrast to see
then one time steamer running and then the stage
coach taking it's roome [room?] and traversing the
same way which but a very short time before was the
foaming white waters of the lake which defyed [defied?]
the horse and the drivers you wanted to know who [how?]
I was fixed for a minister since I moved to the village
my minister has been Mr Jolie a Scotch man  an excellent
preacher he has a large congregation and preaches three
times the sabbath day and holds prayer meeting
on thursday evenings  My mind is often at home
on Wensday [Wednesday?] and friday evenings when
I think on the happy hours I have spent in
the midst of my friends  I see now the wisdom
of my Parents in keeping me at home as long
as they did I find I am soon enough in the
midst of strangers buffeting my way through the
danger and  difficulties of this world all alone
without an earthly counsellor or quite you are from
home and I am from home but the case is quite
different if you be in a strait or wants advice
from your Parents you are near at hand to get it
but when I am burdened with perplexities I have
I have none to whom I can open my mind for relief
none to give me a good word of encouragement nothing
but strang [strange?] faces that I never seen in my
life before but I am not discouraged at this I feel
I have a friend that sticketh even closer than a brother
a brother born for adversity who hath said I will never
leave then I will never forsake thee When the heart is
overwhelmed with doubtings and fears and no earthly friend
near to go to for advice tis then the throne of grace
seems to be most sweet where we are permitted to come with
Prayer supplication and thanksgivivng making our request
known unto God who hath commanded us to cast our care
upon him for he careth for us

Dear Brother I must now draw to a conclusion but one word
before I drop my pen  I am glad to find that I am still
remembered at a throne of grace both at the family [altar?]
and in private I hope you will continue to do so as I need
your prayers much the temptation and snares as many and great
but I hope to be able to say with the Apostle Paul, nay in
all these things we are more than conquerors through him
that loved us and [------?] us in his blood, Goodbye for the
                 Yours Andrew Greenlees