Fairview & The Murphy Movement

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Document ID 400064
Date None
Document Type Family Papers
Archive Ulster-American Folk Park.
Citation Fairview & The Murphy Movement;Scrap Album from Kelly Documents. Copyright Retained by the Ulster American Folk Park; CMSIED 400064


Correspondence of the Independent.

      FAIRVIEW, July, 9. - On Saturday
evening Mr. Hall, under instructions from
Prof. Kelly, came here with Mr. Wm. [William?]
Barringer of your city, and inaugurated
the Murphy movement.  The meeting
was held in the Lutheran church, Rev.
Mr. Fernsler, pastor, who made an
earnest appeal in behalf of the temperance
cause, as did also Revs. Shannon and
Hutchinson.  Forty-four signed the
pledge, many of them drinking men.
There will be another meeting held here
on Thursday evening in the United
Brethren church, when speeches will be made
by Rev. Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. Hall and