Katie Kearney, Brooklyn, New York, to Robert Moore, Carndonagh, Co.Donegal

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Document ID 9502085
Date 22-11-1878
Document Type Letters (Emigrants)
Archive Public Record Office, Northern Ireland
Citation Katie Kearney, Brooklyn, New York, to Robert Moore, Carndonagh, Co.Donegal; PRONI T2799/1/9; CMSIED 9502085
To: Mrs Robert Moor [Moore?]
    Churchtown Carndonagh
    Co. Donegal

Postmarks: BROOKLYN NOV 23 12M NY
           CARNDONAGH DEC 6 78

                        Brooklyn November
                           22nd 1878
Arrived 12th Decr [December?] 78 - to
send last copy of will & W. McCullough
will send œ140 less Mr. Philemys claim - JM

Mr Robert Moor [Moore?]
              Dear Sir your
kind and welcome letter of she [September?]
9n [9th?] [ints?] was Received by me with
Pleasure oh how long my poor
Father looked and waited for its
Comeing [coming?] you No doubt have heard
Of his death before this it has
Been a great blow to my mother
And us all for he was ever
A Healthy and most hearty man
He was only Ill two weeks with
Phnumonia [pneumonia?] he was very [Moved?] to
Hear from you, and is much
Atasi [at ease?]
You were displeased at him for his
Agreement with Rev Wm McCullough
when you wase [were?] as long in not writting
[writing?] Your letter would have been Gladly
Received by him but his dayes [days?] off
trouble are over Dear Sir I see
By your letter that Rev Wm McCullough
Is the very one would be Accept -
For the place Now my mother
Is very well satfide [satisfied?] with what
Ever you do [are?] as we know you will
Do what is Right by us and
Fatr [father?] ever and whatever is the best
We all wish you to do as Mother
[dont?] wish to hold it my Father
Made a will before he died leaving
All to my mother that place in
Churchtown and what little he
Had hear [here?] so that she is very
well soppete [supported?] the Priest would have
If you have all the papers and
you can forward the amount to
my mother and His papers and
they shall be singe [signed?] and return [returned?]
Same as if [ably?] Father was alive
My dear father had all the
Confidence in the world in you
And therefore we know you will
do right by me and get what
You can for the place in Regard
to the McPhileming he Always said
He would never ofend [offend?] or Allowe [allow?]
them One cent for [improvements?] for they
Had got no Right to do so without
First Consulting him But I trust
You will Settle as Best you can and
My mother is sure you will do right
And first By her as you did for him
I hope Rev Wm McCullough will agree
with me know [now?] he will do right
and Whatever you do Rest assured we
shall all feel in more right my mother
Is willing you should let Mr Demsey [Dempsey?]
Have ii and I trust you will
Accept this as you would one
From my dear father who love
to hear from Home more than other
Place in the world Hopping [hoping?] to
   Hear from you soon my
  mother send her kind regards
to you   I remain Dear Sir your
         Respectably Katie J Kearney
Wm Dobbins              No 89 Wykeoff Avenue
                         Brooklyn NY
My Mother Name Is Mary

I have written to Rev Wm McCullough in
regard to the places you can see his [cettursion?]
   K J K

Order on Messrs Brown
Brothers &Co. New York
dated 27 July 79 so 1309
for œ100 - or same
date for œ37: 2: So 1310
Look in favour of Wm John
Mc Laughlin & Mrs Mary
Kearneysent to Mrs
Kearney 89 Wyekoff St
Brooklyn on 27 July 79

fine enclosed œ140
Deducted In W Feleys [Feely?]
hand œ2.14 cost you 3/6
                       œ 137.2.0