Hamilton Young, New York, to "Dear Matty", Ireland

		Dear Matty               New York, 5 Nov' 88
                              Since writing you the first of Octr.
[October?] I have the pleasure of your favors 29
July & 26 Augt [August?]. Some rascal or other
has taken up your letter of the 26 Feby.
[February?] I wish you had kept copy of your letters &
[that?] you did. I thank God I am pretty well in
Body, & [greet?] as little as my situation
will admit of youl [you will?] see by the Copy of the
letter I sent you how different the [Speaker?]
& [Writer?]  Mr Sadler & his Lady has been to
Virginia some time   he is expected here
shortly  when shall see whats to be done.
I am frequently called upon for the [Debts?]
of the [Congress?] which is hard considering
the [Call?] due me, as it woud [would?] be [inoometer?]
the Winter  I shall be ready if possible to leave
this Early in the Spring if them Affairs
were once Settled. My own private ones
can be easyly [easily?] adjusted & shoud [should?]
not stop me.  The Cabinet is safe arrived & the Ladies are
much obliged to you for your Care therein.
I hope the [Sheeting?], Gloves, & Magazines
will come by next vessel. It was as well you
used the [Boy?] as all sorts of provisions is
very plenty & Reasonable here. The People
in Trade seem to have Straind [strained?] their Capitals
by the late failures, You & Mr Campbell need
not doubt what I have wrote you from
time to time, their disposition has been
to make the most of everything here to their
own advantage, their Conduct which is
the true Proof will show it.  The great
Number of my old, & flatter myself sincere
friends who have been drove from hence
[has?] lessend [lessened?] the number much that
I have not that Society I wish for. Tho' there is
some real Valuable friends to me remain
still here their reputation of leaving this
prevents me making any new Acquaints [Acquaintances?].
No doubt you sent the bill to Messrs [Bourdrise?]
& Co. I am much obliged to you for the [directions?]
about [curing?] [Beef?]. They are
reasing [racing?] along Building in this City
for the preparation of the New Congress. They
will have a great deal to do in settling a  proper
Constitution for so extensive a Country.
I am sorry for poor Matt [Governets?] family
& hope his Lordship will patronize him
He can do it without any inconvenience
to himself. The first vessel for Belfast
will carry the [Articles?] [Invested?]
I think I sent Copy of my letter of the
4 June by the Ship to Dublin. Its by
here I expect the Magazines, unless some
unforeseen Accident happens. I expect
to have the pleasure of seeing you
early next Summer & am with Love
to our Sisters & you Dr [Dear?] My [Matty?] [&c?] [&c?]
[&c?] pacquet
Belfast    H.Y. [Hamilton Young?]