Ship George, Liverpool to Philadelphia.

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Document ID 2006278
Date 08-09-1827
Document Type Passenger Lists
Archive Public Record Office, Northern Ireland
Citation Ship George, Liverpool to Philadelphia.; CMSIED 2006278
Report or Manifest of all the Passengers taken on board the
Ship George.
Whereof  Edward Robinson
is Master, from Liverpool.

Names         Age Sex Occ.   Orig. Dest.

Jacob Fox               45  M   Miller  GB  USA
Elizabeth Fox           47  F   Miller  GB  USA
Mary Fox                14  F   -       GB  USA
Richard Berkley         23  M   Turner  GB  USA
Mary  [Hotdeff?]        32  F   Weaver  GB  USA
Sarah [Hotdeff?]         5  F   Weaver  GB  USA

I Edward Robinson do solemnly,
sincerely, and truly swear, that the Report
or Manifest subscribed with my name, and now delivered by
me to the Collector of the District of Philadelphia, contains
to the best of my knowledge and belief, a just and true
account of all passengers which were on board the
Ship George
at the time of her sailing from the port of
or which have been taken on board at any time since, that
I am at present and have during the voyage, master of said
vessel. And I do likewise swear, that all matters whatsoever
in the said Report or manifest, are to the best of my
knowledge and belief, just and true - so help me God.

Sworn before me, this 8th day of September 1827

[J H Q?]  Edward Robinson
