Bill to amend Act for amending Laws for improving Post Roads in Ireland, and for rendering Conveyance of Letters by H.M. Post Office more expeditious

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To amend an A(St, made in the laA Seffion of Parliament,
for amending the Laws for improving and keeping in
Repair the Poft Roads in Ireland^ and for rendering the
Conveyance of Letters by His.MAjESTv's Poft Office more
fecure and expeditious.

Note.—'The Figures in the Margin denote the Number of the Fohos in t]ie

^vritten Copy.

^ (HB JR ® ^ an A6i:, pafTecl in the Forty-fifth Year of the PresmWe.
?f7fj F His prefent Majefly, intituled, " An Ad: to amend the

J- " Laws for improving and keeping in Repair the PoA Roads in
â– " Ireland, and for rendering the Conveyance of Letters by His
Majefty's Pofl Office more fecure and expeditious," requires to be
amended J

IBC it tj^CtCfOrC <2EnaftCil by the king's Moft Excellent Majesty, by
and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal,
and Commons, in this prelent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority
of the fame, That if the Grand Jury of any County, County of a Town or
City in Ireland, fliall at any Affizes (or Prefentine Term if in the County of
Dublin) upon Examination of any Survey, Map, or Eftimate laid before
them under the Provifions of thefaid AA, be of Opinion that the Road be¬
tween the Points on the Boundaries of fuch County marked in fuch Survey
or Map for the Road to pals through can be carried within fuch County
from one fuch Point to the other, through fuch PoA-town or Poft-towns
therein as the Road in fuch Survey fliall have been marked to go through,
in a more convenient Direftion, equally or more level, and not exceeding in
Length or Expence the Road fet out in fuch Survey, it fliall and may be
lawfulfor fuch Grand Jury at the Time they frate their Opinion to the Court,

With any Reafons or Obfervations they may think proper, according to the
Pi'ovifions of the laid Aft, to prefent, that a new Survey, Map, and Eilimate
be made for a Road between liich Points paffing through fuch Poft-town
or Poft-towns, if any fuch there be, and to appoint fuch Surveyor as they
fliall think proper for the Purpofe; and every iuch Surveyor fliall have ail
and lingular the like Powers, and be lubjeA to the like Rules, Regulations,
and Reftriftions, and be fworn and be examined upon Oath in like Manner,
inrefpeftof the Survey, Plan, and Eftimate he may make, as is provided or


Grand Jury
may, upoii
of Surrey or
Eftimate laid
before them,
under the
of Aft 46.
Geo. III.
prefent a new