Condition of the poorer classes in Ireland: first report: appendix A and supplement

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Able-bodied out of Woiik. 
Persons who attended the Examination. 

Munster, ij^Tjv narish priest.—Rev. 
John Baiuiy, catholic curate.—.John 
Brooks, farmer, County Cork. 
James dakk-x, i i > 

i ,«o „pl. 
annum rent.—Baiitholomtw 
Bhown, labourer.—Bahtiiolomew 
Donovan, far-

„ naVSl«-10S-I Tx/r a t-i i i i x t I'Aitiiiinnlinns tjikon by i-pays 301 per annum rent.—Mr. 
AnnxANurn English, churchwarden last year.—James 
Thomas Martin, Ebq? 
t161' firmer pays 33^-per annum rent.—Cornelius 
Maiiony, labourer.—Patrick 
Maiiony, JohnLulor, E*q. 

' 'jays 10/. 
per annum rent.—James 
Maiiony, quarryman and labourer.—John 
Muiirnv, -,, ,., 
,,," ,. 
aim Lon nnd labourer.—Richard 
Saltfh, fanner, pays 14/. 
per annum rent.—William 
_ '? 


quarryman ana iduuu 

c i * -, 0 

W est Carberv, Shannon, farmer, pays 36/. 
per annum rent.—Mr. 
James Swanton, merchant—J ames Swanton, (W(Jg>t Division /' 

—Thomas Swanton, cscp Swtxtman, esq., 
dispensary surgeon.—Daniel 


^arrvman and labourer.—John 
Sullivan, quarryman and labourer.—Rev. 
John Tiuphook, protestant curate—Timothy Tuomy, labourer. 

2Tote When the names 

" Mahony" and "Sullivan" occur, the per&ons meant are "James Mahony" and "Daniel Sullivan." 
From the latter end of May to tbe beginning of August, half the labourers are unem¬ ployed. 
In the months of December, January and February, there is very little employ¬ ment. 
Many have been heard to say, it would be better to be in gaol than in their condition when out of employment; but there have been no cases known of persons committing crimes for the purpose of being sent there. 
There are no instances of labourers being able to save money. 

WlUlOUk IxlUney, UCUl^ auw i\j uu uu muit 1.11.U.JL1 
oiumn-ii vYimi vju.b. 
xu;j:an, u. 
lauuuici, !->UVS, 
" I was out last year, near Doneraile, cutting the harvest ; 1 went out in August, and staid 13 weeks. 
I brought home 34.v.* 
I did noi drink a pint of whiskey while I was out. 
On n , i t , , , 

• 1 • 

, 1' 1 > 1 • 1 , . 
1 n , -a Sunday, when I was not getting my elicit from a farmer, 1 might take a pint of porter, and id. 
or 2d. 
worth of bread. 
I did not spend it on myself, because it was for niy little family I went oat to earn it. 
I did not go out this season, because I expected to got employment at the mine." 
Sullivan says, "i went out. 
last season, too, and staid away nine weeks; I brought home 19 s.'' 

Barry thinks there are about !(>() 
men who leave this parish to look for employment in the potato-digging season. 
Many were kept at home Ibis season by the hope of getting employment at the mines. 
I could got 100 men in the turn of a hand to work for Gd. 
a day without diet. 
Donovan says, 

" J know a man living near me, that is looking for employ¬ ment in the mine * his name is on the list, and he is going every day to see if he will be taken; there are a great many others applying for employment there just, as bad." 
Labourers go to England also from this'parish sometimes. 
Cornelius Mahony says, "There was a brother of mine went to England last May; he owed some money for potatoes betook on time, and he went to sec if he could earn enough to pay it; if he can make up enough to pay, he will conic home before Christmas ; but if not, he will stay. 
I am afraid we will not see "him at Christmas." 
Sullivan says, 

" Two neighbours of mine went off to England last May; one of them, Daniel Dugganc, has an old man, a father, a sister, and a brother; he left them a little garden, sot, and went to tiy, would he get as much as would release it; he did not bring home 5.v. 
The other man, Harvey, has a father and mother and sister; he came back' about, three weeks ago, and brought a sovereign; both of the men had enough to take them to England, but I am in dread it was low enough there with them; they would be ashamed to tell the way they were in." 
Being asked how they got home, the witness says, 

<v They had to pay for the steam to Waterford, and they came from that here, much the same as begging ; they would go into a farmer's house ancl ask lodging, and it would not be refused." 
'Mahony says, 

" I was in bngland twice, once about eight years ago, and I got nothing by it but what brought me home to Cork; another man, a comrade 1 had, gave me what brought me from Cork here. 
1 went to England again, about three years ago, and before I came home I sent over 11. 
to tree a little garden I had." 
Barry asked the reason why the second trip turned out so differently from the first. 
The witness says, 

" I was married, and had a young family we second tune. 
When I had no one but myself, I would spend freer; but when I had them to look to, I would be content to want it in many ways myself, that they might have it." 
e numher who go to England is less than it was "formerly. 
Early marriages are very common 111 this parish. 
Barry says, 

< V have married boys of 10, and girls of 14 or 17 ^ anY from 1G to 20; it arises in part from the facility of setting up an establish¬ ment, and m part from the wretchedness of their condition. 
'Where a poor servant-boy m un a tanner, he says, " I have no one to wash for me or do anything; I may as well dve a wife to keep house ; we will be able to make out life some way or other, and I do no uore now. 
The following cases mentioned by the labourers illustrate this remark : John cnv«tT5 V-ervant"b°y ab°ut 1G> married a girl about 17 ; "he had scarcely as much as could conhSrlSrn; tlley had scarcely bed-clothes to cover them; he is as badly off now; he butL-x7e worse" Daly, about 17, married a girl about 16 years; they were servants, 

uot m tbe same house; » he was not 6 d. 
above a beggar." 
Barry says, 

" 1 have been 3 L 
