Return of Constabulary Police of Ireland, and Account of Expenses of Inspectors General of Police and Resident Magistrates in Ireland, 1827-29

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RETURN of the Constabulary Police of üre/öftd, during each of the last Three Years ; containing the Number and Distribution thereof in each County, together with the Pay, Amount of the Expense of Clothing, Barrack and Commissariat Allowances; and distinguishing the Amount paid by Grand Jury Assessment from that paid by the Public;—ö/äo, AN ACCOUNT, in detail, of all Expenses incurred on account of the Inspectors General of Police in Jre/ffwJ, and Resident Magistrates, under the Constabulary Act, during each of the last Three Years; distinguishing the sources from which such Payments have been made. 

of the Constabulary Police, for the Year 1827 -"PP-2—5 2.—Ditto 
----ditto ----for the Year 1828 -6—9 3.—Ditto 
----ditto ----for the Year 182g -10—13 4.—Comparative 
Statement of Variations in Expenses, in the Years 1827, 1828 and~l „ 


-j H&15 5.—Expenses 
of Inspectors General and Resident Magistrates ----16&17 ö.—Distribution 
of the Constabulary Force, in the Years 1827, 1828 and 1829 -18—57 

Ordere«/, % The House of Commons, fo 6e Pn'nfed, 

7 Jw«e 1830. 
