Extract from a letter of Mrs Margaret C. Johnston to Charlotte M MacCulloch. Page 77-78

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Document ID 9912195
Document Type Letters (Other)
Archive Campbell
Citation Extract from a letter of Mrs Margaret C. Johnston to Charlotte M MacCulloch. Page 77-78;OMAFP.2002.6.1073; CMSIED 9912195
Page 77

Extract from a letter of Mrs Margaret C. Johnston to Charlotte  
Mac Culloch: -

“Did I tell you that when I was in New York just before
I sailed for Egypt- I talked with W. Otey McClelland
found him such a nice agreeable gentleman. He told me 
that he had sued to break cousin Hugh’s will, and he though
the case would come up some time this fall. He seemed to feel 
pretty sure he would win. The other side seem just as sure
they will win. The case of the two boys claiming to be adopted
sons of cousin Hugh was decided against them. They have
appealed to a higher court, and that case has not been decided
as yet. According to the evidence in the paper that cousin
Charles Clarke sent to me they do not seem to have a ghost
of a show. Cousin Charles seems very anxious for me to
meet him in St. Louis August 8th. I will not be able
next time, so I am sending my grandson –in-law Robert
J. Stoan Jr, who is a good lawyer, to represent me now
and in the future, as he knows all the facts in the case.
Really our interest in the case comes up when Hazlett dies
and not before. As you say, Hazlett may outlive all of us.

Page 78

According to Cousin Charles, he is just in the same condition as when I met
him, so the doctors told Charles, only of course a few years older—
turned over all letters, papers, etc. pertaining to my case in the estate
to my grandson-in-law, Mr  Stoan, to look after my interests
and in the future after Hazletts’s death. He will always confer [?]
husband and with me about all facts that may come up in the case
any time. My husband feels that he is not quite strong enough
to undertake so much responsibility as it may require. He is
well in every way and will always do everything he can to help
in every way in the matter, but with all his own affairs to look
after at 87 years it is too hard an undertaking , and we
feel our grandson-in-law is fully capable to attend to an
interest in the case, and being right here in Kansas City it 
makes acceptable in every way.”

Transcribed by Brian McCrory