Fenianism - Transmission of Fenian Convicts

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Document ID 201167
Date 18-01-1866
Document Type Newspapers (Extracts)
Archive Central Library, Belfast
Citation Fenianism - Transmission of Fenian Convicts;The Belfast News-Letter, Thursday, 18 January, 1866; CMSIED 201167
  Ten of the prisoners convicted of Fenianism at the
Cork Special Commission - viz., John B. S. Casey,
Patrick Barry, Michael O'Regan, Thomas Hayes, Chas.
[Charles?] Underwood O'Connell, John Kennedy, Bryan
Dillon, John Kennealy, Jeremiah O'Donovan, and John
Lynch - were on Tuesday transmitted to England.  They
were removed from Mountjoy Prison, at half past five
o'clock in the morning, in two police vans, which
were in readiness for the purpose, under an escort
of mounted police and a troop of the 10th Hussars,
to the Kingstown Railway Terminus, Westland Row. The
prisoners were then placed in a second-class carriage
attached to the mail train, in custody of some prison
officials and police, and conveyed to Kingstown.  Upon
the arrival of the train at Kingstown they were placed
on board the mail steamer, in charge of prison officers
and a guard of the Royal Marines belonging to H.M.S.
Royal George.  The convicts were attired in prison
clothing, and were handcuffed in couples, and all seemed
deeply depressed on being placed on board the steamer.
It is stated that their destination is Pentonville
Prison where they will be confined with the six Fenian
convicts sent over some short time ago.  Four persons
convicted of Fenianism, including Kickham and O'Mahony,
are still confined in Mountjoy Prison. - Ibid.

(Transcribed by James Tuff.)