Bob [?] to " Dear Mother"

Document ID 106267
Document Type Letters (Emigrants)
Archive F. W. Brown
Citation Bob [?] to " Dear Mother";Copyright Retained by Mr. Frederick W. Brown; CMSIED 106267
Part of the Frederick Brown Collection

Dear Mother we are
all sorry to hear of
your trouble among your
cattle I know what greivence
[grievance?] it caused
around home when I was
there if anything
happened the cattle it is
to [too] bad you have so much
trouble with the cow
I would sell her &
try & get one you can
depend on when you
write again let us know
if you will sell her &
get one of her kine [kind?]
we will see Dear Mother
your loss renewed again
we will send you a news
-paper giving an account
of a hail storm we had
last Evening Satuardy [Saturday?] 21st May
it broke nearly all the glass
of windows in our shops
& dwelling houses in the city
every one was as large as a
hen egg I never saw anything
like them the storm done a lot
of damage to everything.
              from Bob