Extraordinary Irish Exodus from Liverpool

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Document ID 200549
Date 01-06-1860
Document Type Statistics
Archive Wesley Historical Society
Citation Extraordinary Irish Exodus from Liverpool;The Irish Evangelist, June 1, 1860, p.69; CMSIED 200549
The official returns of the emigration from the
Mersey, both as regards ships sailing 'under the
Act,' and 'short ships,' have just been completed,
and present extraordinary results, especially as
regards the great exodus of the Irish population,
to which much attention has lately been directed,
and which continues to proceed with unabated ardour,
the vessels lading here been scarcely able to
accommodate the numbers applying.  The returns show
that during the past month 197 cabin and 9,795
steerage passengers (9,992 souls) sailed in ships
'under the Act' to the United States, of whom
8,037 belonged to Ireland, 1,408 to England, and
165 to Scotland, while 187 were inhabitants of
other countries.