Canada - The Seizure of a Suspected American Steamer.

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Document ID 9412099
Date 28-09-1866
Document Type Newspapers (Extracts)
Archive Central Library, Belfast
Citation Canada - The Seizure of a Suspected American Steamer.;The Armagh Guardian, Friday, September 28th, 1866; CMSIED 9412099

Ottawa, Sept. 10. - A steamer belonging to
an American has been seized at Montreal. She
was on her way from New York to the Lakes,
and is suspected of being engaged by the Fenians.
Altogether thirteen battalions have thus far been
organised in the district of Toronto. A fire has
occurred at Point Levi camp, opposite Quebec,
destroying a number of tents and a quantity of
military stores. Precautions are being taken to
secure the military stores in Canada from seizure.
A Cabinet Council is being held today
in secret session. Fenianism is supposed to be
the topic under consideration. Information  has
been received here that no Fenian raid will be
attempted before November, at which time the
gunboats will be frozen up, and many Fenians
in the State of New York and the Canadas out
of employment, and especially those along the
borders. Besides this, they will be paid off about
that time and will be flush in funds. It is feared
that the Fenians have been a head of Canadian
agents in the purchase of the Peabody rifles in
the United States. The sum appropriated for
the purchases of these weapons by the Canadian
Government is 250,000 dollars in gold.