Bill to regulate Negotiation of Promissory Notes and Bank Post Bills in Ireland [as amended by Committee]

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i8 JwZj/ 1820. 


BILL [AS AMENDED BY THE COMMITTEE] To regulate the Negotiation of Promissory Notes and 

Bank Post Bills, in Ireland. 

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it is expedient to make further Regulations preamble, respecting the Issue and Negotiation of Promissory Notes and Bank Post Bills in /re/ani ; 

13* ft tgewfore <_?tiactetl, 
by The KING's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, THAT all Promissory Notes or Under-takings in writing, and all Bank Post Bills, being negotiable or trans-ferrable, for any Sum or Sums of Money less than Five Pounds 7mA currency, or on which any Sum less than Five Pounds /m/. 
currency shall remain undischarged, which shall bear date or shall be issued in JTre/awrf, by any registered Banker or Bankers, at any time after the end of Two years next after the expiration of the Restriction on Payments in Cash by the Bank of Jre/awrf, shall be and the same are hereby declared to be absolutely null and void, and shall not be negotiable cr transferable, anything in any Act or Acts in force in 7re/c?2rf 
at the time of the passing of this Act, or any usage or custom to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding. 

Notes and Post Bills for less than 5 Z. 
is-sued or ne-gotiated after end of Two years after expiration of Restriction on Bank of Ire-land, declared void. 

And be it further Enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any Banker or Bankers in 7re/a?z<:/, 
who shall not have taken out a cer-

No Banker not now re-o"]stcrcQ _.i_ii 
tificate of the registry of the Firm of his or their House, according fn business, to law, at some time before the passing of this Act, and who shall Notepad** not, at the time of the passing of this Act, be actually carrying on ^'*' the business of a Banker or Bankers, nor for any Banker or Bankers 295.