Commissioners of Inquiry into Courts of Justice in Ireland: first report (Chancery) with appendix

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COURT OF CHANCERY Clerk of the Crown 


and Kidnaper. 
Appendix, H° 75. 
Questions 13& 15. 

go (Iiieiand.)~FIRST 
REPORT 0/ COMMISSIONERS on DUTIES, fees, now demanded, are the same that were payable at the time of his appointment, with two inconsiderable exceptions; and that he received a list from his predecessor, Mr. 
Marshall, by which he has been guided. 
We have also applied to the earl of Granard, the present patentee, requesting to be furnished with any documents, or information, that might tend to justify the present claims ; and, in consequence, we received a communication from his lordship, referring us to Mr. 
Le Bas, a clerk in the office of the Lord Lieutenant's secretary, for a statement of the fees received in 1768 on patents; and we have been furnished by him with two lists of fees; one dated in the year 1768, and the other in the year 1775, which are certainly inconsistent, in many instances, with the book of 1734, and the return in 1771, made by the deputy clerk of the Hanaper. 
We are not, however, disposed to consider the practice of this office, as of any authority, when contradicted by the formal returns, made in pursuance of Parliamentary investigation; convinced as we are, that, however true the returns from Mr. 
Le Bas may be, as to the practice of the day, the deputy clerk of the Hanaper, who was bound to authenticate his own official return, had good reason for suppressing the augmentation, and for confining himself, in that return, to his legal demands, which we do not suppose he was likely to tinder-rate. 
We subjoin a Table, showing, at one view, the fees claimed in the Hanaper Office in 1698, 1717, 1734 and 1771, and also those contained in the lists furnished to us by Mr. 
Le Bas, together with the fees received at the present day, and the manner in which the latter are distributed. 

1 SERVICES on aocouut of wlich 

TEES are claimed. 

FEES claimed in 1698, 1717, ,734, & 1771. 

For a duke's patent --. 
For a marquis's patent 3. 
For an earl's patent, and gold 

strings -----

For a viscount's patent, and gold 

and silver strings -

For a baron's patent, and silver 

strings -----6. 
For a baronet's patent, and, silk 

and silver strings ---

For an archbishop's patent of 

donation, &c. 
For a bishop's patent of donation, 

For a dean's patent ---10. 
For every grant of ecclesiastical 

livings -----11. 
For every grant of fairs and 

markets ... 

For every patent for a lord chan-

cellor or judge --. 

For ditto for attorney general,"! 

solicitor general, Serjeants at|j law, masterin chancery, or other ( officer -J 14. 
For every grant of an escheator-

ship -----15. 
For ditto of the office of commis-

sioner of customs or excise 16. 
For ditto of the office of commis-

sioner of the treasury, commis-sioner of accounts, commission-,, er of stamps, commissioner of/! 
appeals, and any other office of the like nature * 

For ditto of the office ofcommis-

sioner of barracks -

20 o o 15 0,0 12 13 4 8 13 4 6 6 8 468 10 13 4 6i3 4{| 1 6 8 1 6 8 1 6 8 

FEES, appearing by Return from Mr. 
Le Bas, to have been paid 1768 and 1775, on the several Patents and Commission!); 
compii/ing, King's Silver, Fees of Principal, Deputy, and Engrossing Clerk. 

1768, 1775. 
II36 Judge 

£, £. 

20 18 1 16 19 5 

23 18 4f 1768, 13 11 4fl| 1775, 19 16 5 Jj 1768, 5 

5 5 

FEES claimed in 1815. 


1 5 T 8 4 if 1 5 l 5 lj 8 a 

1 13 6 

1 13 6 1 13 6 

1 13 6 

1 13 6 

5 H of 

47 4 6 31 0 4 

Distribution of Fees claimed in 1815. 

Clerk of Hanaper, 

<£ 31 7 fi 19 H 4 24 14 5 £ 16 5 4 20 14 1 15 11 8 

23 8 4j 18 11 5 5 2 4f 4 18 5 5 3 1 8 3 2 

7 3 2 

5 3 1 18 13 9 

12 lG 4 8 16 8 

13 18 0 10 16 8 270 270 2 13 8 3 13 8 

2 13 8 

2 13 8 lo 16 0 

16 13 9 

3 2 3 13 8 


King's Silver, retained to use of Principal and Deputy. 
14 16 9 10 5 9 

103 103 7 8 iof| 103 

1 o 3 c 17 e 5 h 9 

7 9 10J 4 14 0 

1 15 il 1 9 2 1 9 2 393 

8 ie 0 

1 9 2 6 17 6 

3 9 3 

6 17 6 


206 309 

1 o 3 103 1 o 3 103 

3 9 3 10 3 

103 I o 3 

1 0 3 

1 o