Commissioners for Auditing Public Accounts in Ireland: fourth report

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and Lock Hosi'iTAL—coH<iK«eeZ. 

Subscribers not Governors: £. 
Stuildort and Gabbatt Peter Hogan James Hogan William White -

George W. 
Fosberry Collin Crilly Matthew Stritch -

Charles O'Hara -

John Sephson Henry O'Sullivan Thomas Burgess -

Thomas Roche James Doyle William O'Donnell JohnClanthy Henry Ormsby -

James Doolcy -

« 0 1 2 

6 9 1 14 1 A 1 14 if 1 14 if 1 2 9 1 2 9 1 2 9 1 14 i| 1 2 9 1 2 9 114 1 J 1 14 ii 129 1 2 9 1 14 1 J 

William Russell Robert Ferguson Jeffrey Foot William Carroll Mort. 
Loony -

M' Gaven, junior William Irson -

and J. 
Unthauk William Ferguson Charles M'Namara James Caulfield 

Brought forward 

Committee: The Bishop of Limerick, John M'Niimara, The Dean of Limeiick, Allan F, O'Neil, John Barry, George Russell, Henry William Baylee, Hughes Russell, James Fisher, M. 
Rochfort, J. 
Harvey, Edmund Ryan, E. 
Hoare, John Thacker, William Hoare, Robert G. 


-1 rj 9 

-1 14 1 J 

-1 2 9 

-1 2 9 

-1 2 9 

-1 2 9 

-1 9 9 

-1 14 U 

-1 2 9 

-1 14 1 i 

-1 2 9 

33 10 9 

-196 15 9 

6 6 

PARTICULARS of ESTATES, PROPERTY and FUNDS\ THE only Personal Property vested in the Governors is one Bond of the late Sir Henry Hartstonge, bart. 
for 300 Z. 
the Interest of which is regularly paid, and accounted for annually by the Treasurer. 
In addition to this, the only certain and permanent Income of the Hospital is the sum of 97 Z. 
a year, payable by His Majesty's Treasury, pursuant to Act of Parliament. 
The Income arising from Subscriptions, Donations, and Grand Jury Presentments, also from the admission ofPatienls, some of whom are. 
by a Bye-rule of the Hospital required to pay twenty Shillings on admission, is variable and uncertain ; the Particulars, &c. 
Amount of the present year, are set forth in the foregoing account. 
There is no Land or Leasehold Property whatever belonging to this Hospital, except the Scite whereon it stands, and a Yard in front for it, between it and the Street. 
These were formerly part the Fortifications of the City of Limerick, were more lalely used as a Barrack, ancl were procured from the Ordnance Board by the late Sir Henry aud Lady Ilartstonge, for the purpose to which they are now converted ; One quarter of an Acre and ten Perches by a Lease from the Representatives of the late Amos Vereker, esq. 
daled 10th August 1814. 
The present Treasurer has taken in trust for the Governors of the Hospital, a plot of Ground in the rear of the Hospital, estimated at One Quarter of an Acre and Ten Perches, part of the Lands of Boxtown or Cloon, at the yearly Rent of Five Guineas, from the 25th of March 1814. 
This Ground also formed part of the Fortifications of the