Commissioners for Auditing Public Accounts in Ireland: fourth report

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The ACCOUNT of the Governors of St. 
John's, or the Fever anel Lock Hospital, Limerick, 

fi-om the 6lh day of January 1S14 to the 5th day of January 1815, both inclusive. 

THE CHARGE: Balance of last Account in favoui of the Public -------

Received Parliamentary Grant ---------(net) 

---from the Grand Jury of the county of the city, being proportion of the 

Money contributed by St. 
Michael's parish, towards the support of the Jail, House of Industry, and Fever Hospital -

Presentment by the County Grand Jury -

Received part of the above ------

---Presentment from the City Grand Jury, Spring 1814 

---Donations ---.---_ 

---Subscriptions ---_.._ 

---for admission of Patients -----



Total Charge THE DI S.-C 
H ARGIL: Paid for Provisions -



-Medicines, &c. 

--Furniture and Repairs --Salaries and Wages -

--Contingencies -

Total Discharge Balance in favour of the Public 

The Charge as above -

The above Balance brought down --. 

To which must be added, in consequence of the corrected Balance of last Accouni, being short brought forward by Accountants, who had not ascertained it when this Account was made, up Also Amount of one year's Interest to 24th June 1814, on Sir H. 
Hartstonge's Bond, omitted by mistake, to be brought to Charge, as acknowledged by Accountants Also a Sum received from the Mayor, being pari of Fines levied by him, the like -.». 

-And amount of sundry temporary Disallowances made by us, being Advances ou Account, and Payments after period, as per Parti-culars detailed on engrosted Account 

Additions lo Charge, and temporary Disallowances ---

From which must be deducted, given credit for its received for Parlia-nicntary Grant, more than amount of Auditor (Jeneral's Certificate -

Also Presentment by County Grand Jury, not received till after the period of this Account -

And amount of Insurance disallowed in last Account, as after period, and propel ly belonging to this -----._ 

52 18 4 


92 3 5 f 

The true Balance in favour of the Public th on is 

48 10 — 

50 1 16 10 


26 11 3 i 97 


50 5 17 5 235 G 6 6 11 4,1-571 C 7 

234 10 41 15 lO IO .4. 
15 19 10 15 5 10 | 168 3 2 56 18 11) 506 14 11 -2 64 11 7i 571 6 7 64 u 

ifiS 1 9f 229 13 5 

100 6 10 

129 6 7 

From the long illness of the late Treasurer of this Hospital, who died within the period of the last of these Accounts, considerable delay occurred in furnishing them u, our Oflice The oresenl Measurer appointed during the period of the last Accouni, has verified his own Kxpendttur -s by Affidavit and wi.h 
respect to those in the time of his predecessor, he deposes that he be ieves hem to be correct as they were carefully examined by a Committee of Governors, and ni1 5 from the books of the late'lreasuier, and such vouchers anel information as the present Usurer possessed The Disallowances are temporary, several Payments being made X , e. 
to 1 period of the last Account, and for which credit will be allowed in the next 

"'"sequent to llie Credit has been given by the present Treasurer for Sums received subsequent to the 51b. 
January Iccounf *" *' *"*"* ^"^ ^ ^ "^ »» Uto charged m