Returns from Dioceses in Ireland, 1805

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F E R N t,


A» R» P»

K.ilniakea glebe - - - la o 38

Two indifferent lliatched hoiifes thereon.
White Church glebe - - - zoo

14. o 38

No glebe.

There are feveral fmall glebes in the town of
Wexford, but very unproduftive.

Two glebes at Rathafpeck, one near
the church, both containing about

A church at White Church, divine fervicc every

No glebe-houfe as yer, the prefsnt incumbent has
prcfcnted a memorial to build one.

A church at Kilcomon, divine fervice every Sun¬
day.—No glebe-houfe.

The pari flies of
Patrick's, Wexford,
S' IberiuSj
S' Mary's,


S' Tullogue, and
S' Michael's.

Kiljelogue, and
S" John's.



gt Peter's,





Are in the town and
\ fuburbs of Wexford, and
are totally unproductive to
to the reitor.


Are fmall parifhes con¬
tiguous to the town, from
whence the reiftor hardly
derives any income.

Are the only denomina¬
tions in the Union of Wex¬
ford, from whence the rec-
/ tor dei^es his income,
which is believed to be
about £. 400 yearly.

There are two churches.

One at Wexford. Divine fervice every day but
market days.

One at Rathafpeck. Divine fervice every Sunday
by licenfed curate-

Both churches in very neat good order.

An old glebe-houfe in Wexford, now under repair.
No glebe-houfe at Rathafpeck.


The glebes of this Union confifl of fevcral
fell tenements in various parts of the town of
New Rofs.

A glebe at RofTdroit of about 20 o o

On which the prefent incumbent propofes
building a glebe-houfe.

No glebe.

Tiiere is a very old church at New Rofs, which
is condemned, and a new one is intended to be
built on another fcite.

There is alfo a neat fmall church at Old Rofs;
divine fervice in both every Sunday.

There is no glebe-houfe

A very neat handfome church lately built at
RoiTdroit; divine fcrvice every Sunday.

A church at Killegny; divine fervice every