Return of claims for compensation on account of elective franchises admitted by Union of Ireland with Great Britain

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(40 Geo. 
cap^ 34.) 
for compensatio»*, &c. 


• John 'ogheij :r, and he Ca. 
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None ---15,000 jTo be paid to the Right honourab'e John Lord 

Redefdale, Lord High Chancehor of Irel-and, the moft Reveiend Fächer in God Charles Lord Archbifhop of Dublin, the Right Re-verend Fächer In God George Lewis Lord Bifhop of Kildare and DeaT ot Chnft Ch'.irch 
Dublin, the Reverend Dodlnr John Ksarney Provoft of Trinity College Dublin, the Re-verend James Verichoyle, Dean of Saint Pa-trkk'i, Dublin, and Vicar of the Pariöi of Swords, in the Diocefe of Dublin, and the Survivors and Survivor of them, in Truft, to apply for and procure an Act of Parliament or Chaiter, incorpoiating the faid John Lord Redefdale and his Succeffors, Lords High Chanceliors of Ireland for the Time being, the faid Chirles Lord Archbifhop of Dublin and h!s 
Succeffors, Lords Archbiftiops of Dublin for the Time being, the faid George Lewis Lord Bifhop of Kildare and Dean of Chnft Churth, Dublin, and his Succeffors, Deans of Chrift Church, Dublin, for the Time being, the Did Dpcäor John Keatney, and his Succeffors, Provofts of Trinity College, Dublin, Kor the Time being, the fa'.d 
Reverend James Verfchoy'e, Dean of Saint Patrick's, Dublin, and Vicar of the Parift of Swords, and his Succeffors Deans of Saint Patriclt's, Dublin, and alfo his Succeffors Vicars of the Parifh of Swords for the Time being, into one Body Politic or Corporate, by the Name of " The Governors of the School at Swords," in which Body Corporate the faid Sum of ,£. 
15,000 (hall be vefted in Truft, to be funded on Government Securkies, the Intereft hereafter accruing thereon to be applied in the firft Place to the Maintenance of one or more Schools to be eftablimed within the faid Borough, under pioper Inftiu&ors, for the dai'y Education of the Children of the Inhabitants of the faid Borough in Readiug, Writing, and Arithmetic, and in fach Brauches of Manufafture as fiiall be moft hkely to promote their future Means of Livelihood j and that the Surplus of the acciuing Intereft, after paying aU Expences of maintaln-ing the Eftablifhment for Education, be applied in apprenticing the Children educated in the faid School to ufeful Trades and Occupations; and that any further Surplus ftill remaining fTiaii be applied in Pre-miums for the general Encouragement of Agriculture and Manufac-tures, or in fuch other Manner, and under fuch Regulators, as the Truftees before-mentioned fhall think: will moft effectually tend to promote the Chriftian Religion and Moral ity, good Order, Sobnety, Cleanlinefs, Induftry, and Wealth within the faid Borough ; and that a Sum of £. 
1,875'-**"^ *°*" Iritereft on the faid Sum ef £.15,000. 
on the 24.1h 
Day of June 1803, be vefted in the faid Truftees, to be ap--piied in obtaining Ground for a Sute, and in purchafi ^g, repainng, building, or fitting up proper School-rooms, &c. 
for the Purpofes of the aforefaid Eftablifhment. 

The Right hoiourable John Beref-ford and Francis Synge, the Re-prefentative of ihe late Jahn Hatch, Efq "William Allen, Gent. 
Wil-liam Lord Vifcount DunSo, Wil-liam Roach, Efq. 
and Frances Roach otherwife Molefv.'orth, 
hit Wife, and Edward Molefworth, Efq. 
Edward Bolton, Efq. 
Cathe-rme Bunbury, Widow, Reverend James Verfchoyle Vicar of Swords, Richard Wogan Talbot,Efq. 
Chrif-topher Taylor, Efq. 
the Portrieve and feveral of the Eleöors 6f Swords,Thomas Cobbe, Efq. 
Hans Hamilton, Efq. 
Magrane, Jofeph Keegan, William Ballan-dine Picknall, James Stewart,Right honourable Denis 'Browne, John Rivers, Patrick Thompfon, Ro-bert M*Evoy, James Keegan, Mi-chael Caffry, Rowland Quin, An-drew Hoare, Matthew Duft", ju-nior, Mary Duke, Widow, James Sandford, James Bryan, Patrick M^Cann, John KLing, Efq. 
Fran-eis Eardly, James Reck, Thöiuas Morän, and Michael Barry. 

Returned purfuant to an Order of the Honourable Houfe of Commons, 

dated the z ift Day of February 1805. 

'Do-1 and ßors 'An->ai? 
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Dublin, nth March 1805. 

By Order of the Commiffioners for Compenfation, 

ZW ATJTöy, Secretary.