Annual report of the Local Government Board for Ireland for year 1921

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x Local Government (.Ireland) 
Act, 1919. 
The Orders were as follows :— 

Number 66188 : 1919. 
07L37 : 1919 787 : 1920. 
787 : 1920. 
787 : 1920. 

Name of Order Election Expenses Ore u' 

:\To I. 
Election Expenses Orr er Election Expenses (h-. 

No LI Election Expenses Orr er Xo. 
Election Expenses (Jr. 


Authorities to whom Applicable. 
Countv Borough* C'ountv Borough ot' 

Dublin Urban Districts Urban lhstri"(s Urban Districts 

and Tow ns 

The result of the Municipal Elections held in January, 1920. 
is summarized in the following table :— 

County No:i-Urban 1 n\\ n t 

(Jou'iU f omnns-Total. 
in reg ird to IJorougLs. 
Number of Elector-, on 

Register 293. 
lit) 13,307 154,032 13.583 
474,992 Number of Mem 1)'is to be 

elected 30 H S4 1,148 I 95 1,735 Number oi ( a"<lldata> : 

Nominations ii'i3 ! 
53 2,258 338 3.412 
Withdrawals . 
20 3 235 23 287 linmamn".r 
037 150 2.023 
315 3,125 Number ot Valid Ballot 

Papers 193,:', 93 0,087 109,420 9.744 
322,244 Number of Itn-alil hallot 

/'avri s •---

\Aautof OfficiaUL-irk 610 10 62 7 689 Void under Art. 
41 of Local Election-, (P.R.T.) 
Order 1919 (a) 309 37 363 40 749 

lb) 2,357 133 1,363 141 3,994 (<•) 55 3 114 25 197 (rf) 961 68 1,107 208 2,344 Writing or Mark by which Voter could bs identified 353 26 174 IS 571 Unmarked or Void for uncertainty 449 4 241 21 715 Total Number of Invalid 

Ballot Papers 5,094 2S1 3,424 100 9,259 Total Number of Ballot 

Papers fvalid & invalid) 198,487 0,908 112,841 10,204 331,503 Percentage of Electors who 

voted 67-05 74-59 72 • 98 75 12 09-79 Percentage of Voters who 

voted validly 97-43 97-18 90-97 95-49 97-21 Percentage of Voters who 

voted in validly 2-57 2-82 3-03 4-51 2-79 Number of. 
Local Electoral 

Areas 40 12 204 39 295 Number of Areas in which 

Contests took place 39 10 183 27 259