Agricultural statistics for Great Britain, with summaries for the United Kingdom, 1912: part III and IV

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The follomng is a list of some of the more important Parliamentai-y and Official
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Fvhlio General Acts, Local and Personal Acts, 1912. In separate Acts, at varying prices.
Public General, Session 1911. With Index, Tables, &c. 3s.

Second Revised JSdition. 1235-1900. Vols. I. to XX. 7s. 6d. each.

Statutes in Force. Chronological Table and Index of. 27th Edition. To the end of
the Session 1 and 2 Geo. V. (1911). 2 vols. 10s. 6d.

JnfeiTejrmatm, 1642-1660. Acts and Ordinances of the. In 3 vols, (not sold separately) .30s.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, 1424-1707. Revised Edition. 10s.

Statutory Rules and Orders other than those of a Local, Personal, or Temporaiy
Character. Issued in 1890 to 1911. 10s. each.

Statutory Rules and Orders revised, in force on Dec. 31,1903. Vols. I. to XIII. 10s. each.
Statutory Rules and Orders in force on 31st De'cember 1909. Index to. 10s.

Historical Manuscripts. Bepoits of the Royal Commissioners. In course of issue.
Life Saving Appliances and Safety of Life at Sea. Report of the Advisory
Committee respecting Regulations. [Cd. 6353.] 2s.

Do. Rules. H.C. 442. 2^d.

Statistical Abstract. United Kingdom. 1897 to 1911. [Od. 6399.] Is. 9d.
Miners' Safety Lamps. Testing of. Report of Departmental Committee on.
[Od. 6387.]

Isolation Hospitals. Report. [Cd. 6342.] Is. 7d.

Metalliferous Mines and Quarries, Royal Commission on. Evidence, Ap¬
pendices, and Index. [Cd. 6390.] 3s. 3d.
Statistical Tables, British Colonies. 1910. [Od. 6400.] 6s. 6d.
Changes in Wages and Hours of Labour, 1911. Report. [Od. 6471.] 8d.
Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. Royal Commission on. Majority and
Minority Reports with Evidence and Appendices. [Od. 6478, 6479, 6480, 6481, 6482.]

17s. 9d.

Workmen's Compensation Statistics. 1911. [Od. 6493.] 6^d.

Foreign Import Duties. 1912. [Od. 6475.] 4s. lOd.

Colonial Import Duties. 1912. [Cd. 6476.] 3s. 3d.

Profit Sharing and Co-partnership. United Kingdom. [Od. 6496.] 8id.
Linen and other Making-up Trades of the North of Ireland. Report of Com¬
mittee on Conditions of Employment; with Evidence and Index. [Cd. 6509.] Is. 9d.
Statistical Abstract for the Colonies from 1897 to 1911. [Od. 6533.] Is. lOd.
East India. Sanitary Measures Progress. Papers relating to the Imperial Malaria
Conference, &c.; Food and Drugs ; Town Planning ; Vital Statistics, &o. [Od. 6538.] 2s.
Dominions. Royal Commission. Natural Resources, Trade, &o. First
Interim Report, with Evidence, &c. [Od. 6515. 6516, 6517.] 6s. Sid.

Judicial Statistics, England and Wales. 1911. Criminal. [Od. 6602.] Is. hd.
Civil Service, Royal Commission. Second Report, with Evidence, &c. [Od. 6534,
6535.] 5s. li&

Duration of Buildings for Small Holdings. Report of Committee.

[Cd. 6536.] 2i&
Industrial Directory, United Kingdom. 1913. [Cd. 6546.] Is. 2d.

Congo. Correspondence respecting the A&ii-s of. [Cd. 6606.] ll|d

London Traffic Board. Report 1912 (with maps). [Od. 6608.] 6s.

Canada. Industrial Disputes Investigation Act, 1907. Report. [Od. 6603.] 8W.
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