Thirty-fifth annual report of the Local Government Board for Ireland, for the year ending 31st March 1907

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Local Government {Ireland) Ads.


accordance with the powers vested in us by Section 14 of the
Act of 1902, we made Orders altering the day or hour or both
on or at which their monthly meetings might be held.*

5. Alteration of District Electoral Divisions.

In consequence of representations made by the Rural Dis¬
trict Councils concerned, we made, during the past year,
Orders! subdividing three District Electoral Divisions, as

Eural District.

Original District Electoral

New District Electoral


Carrickfergua (Eural),

Carrickfergus (Rural).



Kilshannig, ...



South Dublin,




6. Infirmaries.

Section 15 of the Local Government {Ireland) Act, 1898.
{a.) Increase in Number of Joint Committee.

It having been represented to ns by the Corporation of
Governors and Governesses of the Tyrone County Infirmary
that they considered that they were entitled, on the
ground of increased subscriptions to the hospital from
private sources, to a larger representation on the Joint
Committee of the Infirmary than they possessed under our
Order of July, 1899, namely, eight persons, we communicated
with the Tyrone County Council, and, after considering their
views, made an Order increasing the number of members of the
Committee from twenty-four to twenty-seven, of whom sixteen
will be appointed by the County Council, and eleven by the
Corporation of Governors and Governesses. +

(b.) Inquiry into Admiinistration.

At the request of the Joint Cojnmittee of Management of the
Longford County Infirmary we directed an inquiry to be held
under Section 19 of the Poor Relief (Ireland) Act, 1847, and Sec¬
tion 15 (8) of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, into the
administration of the Infirmary.

-* See page 57. f See page 9, et se^. $ See page 56'