Report of the President of Queen's College, Belfast, for 1903-04

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of Queen's College, Belfast 7 that the appointment to the Studentship shall be by election, without examination ; that the holder shall be required to devote himself to study and research in Mathematics; that he shall assist the Professor of Mathematics in lecturing ami in tutorial work; and that the Studentship shall be open not only to Queen's College men, but to others who may wish to apply. 
The first appointment is to be made in time for the work of next session, and applications are to reach the Registrar not later than 1st September. 
The annual income of the Studentship will he about £110. 
Another death which filled our hearts with sincere and profound grief during the past winter was that of the late 

Sir James Mtjsorave, Bart., 
founder of the Musgrave Chair of Pathology. 
Few men in our community were so esteemed or trusted. 
None were more convinced of the value of education, and none more anxious to advance it. 
The Musgrave Chair will be a perpetual memorial of him within our walls. 
Nor can we soon forget his interest in our 

" Better Equipment Fund" from the time of its establish¬ ment, nor the many other kindly actions by which he evinced his sympathy with our work. 
Our academic body sadly followed his remains to their final resting-place, and they feel that they have, indeed, by his demise, lost a friend. 
The following resolution was placed upon the Minutes of Council to record for all time our estimate of his character and our loss. 

" Resolved— " That we place on record our profound sorrow at the death of Sir James Musgrave, Bart., 
and our sincere sympathy with his sister and brothers in their bereavement, and that we also record our sense of the heavy loss which the community has sustained by the demise of a citizen so public-spirited and large-hearted, and the College by the decease of a benefactor so thoughtful and so munificent. 
His constant readiness to assist us in our times of need we can never forget, and the splendid help which he gave in the establishment of the fund for the better equipment of the College, and, in particular, by the foundation of " The Musgrave Chair of Pathology," rendered a service to us and to science the value of which it would be difficult to over-estimate." 

During the year the Chair of Modern Languages, which had been rendered vacant by the retirement of Professor Meissner, was filled by the appointment of Professor MaxFreund, Ph.D., 
of the University of Leipzig. 
There were twenty-six candidates for the office, some of them men of high eminence and scholarship. 
At a time when modern languages are occupying a more and more important position in the educational world, it is of great importance that this chair should be suitably and ably filled, and I am happy to report that the new professor has, since his appointment, been devoting himself to his work with zeal, ability, and acceptance. 
Another appointment made during the year was that of Dr. 
Thomas Houston to be Joint Lecturer in Medical Jurisprudence with Dr. 
Lorrain Smith. 
His election made another addition to