Local Government Board for Ireland: twenty-eighth annual report

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XVI Numbers in receipt of relief. 

The following tables, which, have been prepared from the weekly returns made by the Clerks of Unions,show the maximum, minimum, and average daily number of persons in the work¬ houses and on out-door relief, respectively, together with the average daily number maintained from the poor rate in hospitals, in institutions for afflicted persons, and in the two District Schools established under the Act 11 and 12 Vic, chap. 
25, here¬ after referred to, and the per-centage of these average daily numbers on the estimated population of Ireland during each of the seven years included in the diagrams referred to on page xiii. 

In-door Relief. 


Maximum number in Workhouses. 

Minimnm number in Workhouses. 

Average daily number in receipt 

of in-door relief. 
In Work¬ houses. 

In Hospital 1 _ . 

I*6611'-andDishiet ^a. 
°P Schools. 
1 Population 

1893-94, 1894-95, 1895-96, 1896-97, 1897-98, 1893-99, 1899-00, 

45,131, on 3 February, 1894 45,172, „ 

16 „ 1895 43,219, „ 16 March, 1895 44,440, „ 30 January, 1897 45,865, „ 26 February, 1898 45,686, „ 28 January, 1899 45,346, „ 17 February, 1900 

38,259, on 12 August, 1893 38,373, „ 1 September, 1894 37,620, „ 29 June, 1895 37,993, „ 

4 July, 1896 38,931, „ 7 August, 1897 40,575, „ 13 „ 1898 39,664, „ 26 „ 1899 

40,961 41,069 40,208 40,814 41,774 42,728 41,980 

1,152 1,191 1,356 1,415 1,420 1,418 1,500 

•91 •92 •91 •93 •95 •97 96 

Oat-door Relief. 

M: txinvum number. 
Minimum number. 

Average daily numbor, 

Por-cent-flge of average daily number on population. 

1893-94, 60,133, on 4 March, 1893 54,795, on 7 October, 1893 57,979 1-26 1894-95, 63,703, i. 

2 „ 1895 54,162, „ 13 „ 1894 57,435 1-24 1895-96, 63,271, ., 
16 „ 1895 52,921, „ 5 1895 56,619 123 1896-97, 57,098, .. 
20 „ 1897 52,401, „ 10 „ 1896 54,469 1-19 1897-98, 77,187, -. 
26 „ 1898 51,489, „ 9 „ 1897 57,133 1'25 1898-99, 87,630, „ 18Jun«, 1898 J3,3Q8, „ 8 1898 64,604 1'42 1899-00, 61,958, „ 24Febraary,190O 55,326, „ 7 „ 1899 58,012 1-28 

In our last annual Report we mentioned that from April 1898 to March 1899 there had been an increase in the average daily number of persons relieved both in and out of the work¬ houses, as compared with the preceding year. 
We have now to