Local Government Board for Ireland: fifteenth report

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74 Circulars—National School Tmchers Act. [Apr A., 11.

Tcacliers of National Schools witliin tlic Union, they are willing to make
tlieif Union a contributory Union within the meaning of the Act, and
the Guardians will observe therefore that by the present Notice they
are now called upon, in pursuance of the requirement of the Act, to
decide whether they will become contributory for the year 1887—88
(that is for the year commencing on the Lst April next), and subsequent
years, until the resolution to contribute be legally revoked.

The Board forwarded with their Circular of theoOth August, 1875, a
copy of the Act, and of various other documents relating to tliis subject
and they desire to refer the Board of Guardians to that Circular and the
documents which accompanied it, for any information which they may
require before replying to the enclosed Notice.

The Board have to add that the Commissioners of National Education
have furnished them with an estimate of the probable amount which will
be payable by the Guardians of the several Unions in Eesults Fees to
Teachers of National Schools within the respective Unions for tlie year
1887—88, and the liability which, according to this estimate, the
Guardians will incur by making their Union a contributory one is not
ezpccted to exceed £

T am, sir, your obedient servant,

W. D. WoDswoRTn, Secretary.

To the Clerk, Union.

EnCLOSUEE to the foeegoim

In pursuance of Section 4 of " The National School Teachers (Ireland) Act,
1875," 38 and 39 Vic., c. 96.

The Guardians of Union are hereby required, within forty

days after the receipt hereof, to inform the Local Government Board for Ireland
whether for the purpose of increasing the remuneration of the Teachers of
National Schools within the Union, they are willing to become a contributory
Union within the meaning of " The National School Teachers (Ireland) Act,"
(38 and 39 Vic., c. 96).

By order of the Board,

W. D. WoDswoETH, Secretary.

30th December, 1886.

No. 3.—Election of Guaedians.—Insteuctional Cieculae.

Local Government Board, Dublin,

12th January, 1887.


1. The Local Government Board for Ireland desire to call your atten¬
tion to the General Order dated the 2nd January, 1863, regulating the
conduct of Elections of Guardians in the several Unions in Ireland, a
copy of which Order was transmitted with the Circular of the Poor Law
Commissioners, dated the 16th of that month.

2. That Order rescinds the Order of the 26th January, 1862, as well
as all previous Orders, except such portions thereof as may have
appointed the Clerk for the time being to be the Returning Officer, and
may not have been rescinded by any subsequent Order ; and except such
portions thereof as may have fixed the vahie of the qualification for th