Deputy Keeper of Public Records in Ireland: seventeenth report

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6450 (5250.) 
Pardon to Trrioll O Malaghlin, of Clonlcnan, co. 

Westmeath, gent., 
Phelim m'Cahir O Melaghlin, of Athloane, gent., 
Murrogh m'Cahir O Melaghlin, his brother, Murtagh M'Gaulie, Brian 0 Dowlan, of Newton, King's co., 
Lisagh O Dowlan ln'Brian, Noalo O Dowlan, of same, Neale O Furie, of Aughenargitt, co. 
Westmeatb, gent., 
Henry O Furie, his son, John O Furie, bis brother, Ferrall O Dowllen, of Balli-tudcler, Knig's co., 
Owen O Dowllen, Ownie O Dowllen m'Wm., 
of same, Teige O Dowllen, of Athloauo, gent, Oarbry O Dallie, of Ballymoro, Shane and Enesse O Dallie, of same, Morrogh O Dowllen, of Tubbor, King's co., 
Ownie O Dowllene m'Teig, of Killingore, co. 
Westmeath, Ownie O Brine, of Athloane, Shane O Kellie, of same, Cahill m'llugh O Connor, of Lettrem, in the province of Connaght, gent., 
Art m'Teig O Connor, of same, gent., 
Hugh O Dowllon, of Ballibeg, co. 
Wcstmcatli, Farrall O Dowllen, of Killenegowre, Henry O Dowllen, of Ballibog, co. 
Westmeath, Coughigric duffe 0 Dowllen, of Killkerrill, King's co., 
Lisagh m'TirlaghO Dowllen, of same, Shcckos O Dowllen, of Killkerryn, Melaghlin O Dowllen, his brother, Gilleduffe M'Morrice, of same, Rob. 
M'Eruddrio alias Fitz Symons, of Athloane, John Taylor, of same, soldier, Tcigo M'Ecoigno, of the Moyanagh, Tirlagh and Cormock M'Neale, of same, Brian M'Ownie, of Horie, co. 
Westmeath, James M'Quyn, Farroll duffo O Furie, Owen M'Quyn, of same, Teig O Dowllon, of Ballibeg, co. 
Westmeath, Wni. 
M'Quyn, of Ilorie, same co., 
Donagh O Naughten, of Athloano, Edin. 
M'Quyn, of ITorie, Ferroll m'Morghe M'Gawllie, of Karne, co. 
Westmeafb, Shane roo m'Donoll M'Rorie, of Horio, Gilleduffe O Brynn, of Athloane, Shano lcigh m'Rorie O Mulloy, of Balliueoor, King's co., 
Hugh oge m'Hugli oge O Mulloy, of samo, Dormot (') Conneran, of Boggogh, smith, Gillernow O Dowllio, of Karne, Noalo O Dowllie, of same, Owen m'Towcll O Higgan, of Ballimoro, co. 
Wostmeath, James M'Gawlie, of the Rufhduffe, co. 
Wostmeatb, Donell O Kellie, of Karne, Rich. 
Talbot, of Knockmarko, Kafhcrinc Luttrill, his wife, Hugh m'Edm. 
O Kellie, of Athloauo, Owen ancl Laughlin O Kengic, of Karno, Neale roe O Funic, of Athloane, Murtagh 0 Bressell, of Kame, Connor M'Cagan, Donogh lu'Hugh O Naughfon, Doncll m'Owen M'Gawlie, Donogh his brother, and Shane O Doghortio, of same, Donogh O Dallie, of Ballimore, co. 
Westmeafh, James O Dallio, of same, Owen M'Teige, of Athloane, Brian O Dallio, of same, Rich. 
O Dallie, of Mounster oris, yeoman, Gillpatrick O Mullarney, of Kearne, Shane M'Reckard, of Dromiue, King's co., 
James Ronogh, Nich..Reelinge, 
of samo, Rob. 
Tuite, of Clare, Gillemorey O Greadio, Teig O Connor, Redmund Magroice, of same, Gillernow O Doolan, of Bellacorcky, Saunders Pierces, of Ballymore, Tibbott Dalton, of Clare, Phillme Dalton, Shane m'Morish Dalton, Patr. 
duffe O Machaghanc, Brian boyo O Dirrevanc, of samo, Farrall M'Kegane, of Ballicorky, Brian O Mullane, of Ballimore, Coghegrey m'Fcrrall Mageoghegan, of same, Brian m'Gerrot O Forrall, of Brymore, Wm. 
O Dergaen, of Ballintocker, Teig and Brian O Dorgano, of same, Morough O Coffio, of Ballimore, Brassell Foxe, Owen O Higgine, Hugh Negunlagh, Patr. 
O Kenny, Morish Walshe, of same, Gerott