Bill to amend Law relating to Election of Poor Law Guardians in Ireland

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[48 Vict.] 
Poor Law Guardians (Ireland). 
3 twenty-fourth sections of the Ballot Act, 1872, or some or any of ^..D. 
them (save so much of said second section as relates to cases where „ x^Z . 

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Demcoi-* an equality ol votes is found to exist between any two candidates), poratedin with such modifications as they may think necessary; and any such 


5 section when so embodied shall apply to poor law elections, and shall have the same force and effect as if herein expressly enacted. 
After the commencement of this Act no ratepayer shall have Voters to 

power to appoint any person to vote as his proxy at any poor 

vote m per" law election, and every ratepayer desiring (where necessary) to give 10 a statement of his claim to vote or to vote at any election, must 

himself give such statement, and musi himself attend in person to vote at the place appointed for the polling. 
At the prescribed time before the day fixed for the polling at Lists of 

any poor law election, the returning officer shall prepare in the 1^ e 

15 prescribed manner a list of the ratepayers entitled to vote at such 

election, and shall sign the same, and shall publish in the prescribed manner a notice stating that such list has been prepared, and when and whore it may he inspected by any ratepayer. 
Every such list shall state the number of votes to which each voter is entitled, and 20 shall contain such other particulars as may he prescribed, and, a 

separate list shall be prepared for each electoral division. 
The list shall he kept in such convenient place as may be prescribed for six days after the publication of said notice, and during such six days shall he open to the inspection of any ratepayer, or his agent, between 25 the hours of ten in the forenoon and four in the afternoon. 
At any time prior to hut not after the signing of the register of voters by him as herein-after mentioned, the returning officer may add to, excise from, alter, or amend the list of voters, and may add thereto the name of any ratepayer originally omitted therefrom because of 30 the nonpayment of any poor rate, on being satisfied that such poor 

rate has since been paid. 
The returning officer shall appoint a day or days, within A day to be 

prescribed limits of time before the day fixed for the polling, Ja^&tojlear to hear the claims of persons whose names have been omitted persons 


35 from any such list, and who claim to have their names inserted °^tted from 

therein, or who claim to he entitled to a larger number of votes than the number stated in the list; and of the day or days so 

fixed shall publish a notice in the prescribed manner. 
On the day 

or days so "fixed the returning officer shall sit at such convenient 40 place as may he prescribed, between the hours of nine in the fore¬ 

noon and six in the afternoon, and shall hear any ratepayer, or 

his agent, making any such claim, and, if satisfied of the validity thereof, shall allow same, and insert the l^ame of such ratepayer