Commission on municipal boundaries: first report - on Dublin, Rathmines, Pembroke, Kilmainham, Drumcondra, Clontarf, and also Kingstown, Blackrock and Dalkey

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separate and distinct brigades in the several town¬ ships, and I have to express an emphatic opinion that such a system would be more expensive and coidd not be made to operate with good result; and, moreover, that it would be destructive of that true discipline which is indispensable to the efficiency of a Fire Brigade. 
One of the chief defects of the system would be the division of responsibility, and this would undoubtedly involve the officers of the various brigades in endless dispute and litigation, and would create jealousies between the different corps which would have the effect of preventing, or at least hindering, their suc¬ cessful co-operation. 
In addition to this it would certainly entail much greater expense on each town¬ ship, ^s a larger staff would bo necessary if a separate brigade were established in each township. 
As regards the important subject of buildings, I need not enter into the questions of rent, construction, and m untenance of stations which it includes. 
These vary so much in different countries, and in different parts of the same country, that it is impossible for anyone but those possessing local knowledge to give even an approximate idea of the expenditure which they are likely to involve. 
The purchase or hire; of horses may be dealt with by those on the spot, who will find no difficulty in drawing up estimates on these subjects. 
It is difficult to indicate the exact positions for the stations, as these positions will of course be affected by the question of rentals and adaptibility of the situation. 
The general principle of distribution for the stations has already been dealt with. 
The sources of the revenue of the Metropolitan Fire 

Brigade are as follows, and it is for those on the spot to decide how far this system is capable of application in Dublin :— 

Government contribution for the protection of public buildings. 
Contributions of insurance offices on their busi¬ ness, at the rate of £35 per million of annual insurances. 
Special watching of premises. 
Chimney-fire penalties. 
Metropolitan contribution at the rate of one half¬ penny in the pound on the gross value of buildings Ex-Metropolitan fires. 
I wish it ro be clearly understood that in everv case I have given what is known as a full estimate, and in no case, therefore, will the sum named be ex¬ ceeded. 
The cost for the engines and hose, which are the two great items, is exactly what the Metro¬ politan Fire Brigade is paying. 
All the things which have been recommended in this report are those at present in use in London. 
I can give every information that may be required con¬ cerning the various appliances. 
These may possibly be subject to some slight modifications to adapt them to local requirements; but, as the appliances adapted in the London Fire Brigade are the best suited for rough work, they will be found the most economical in the long run. 
The existing appliances, if in good order, may be valued and deducted from the new estimate. 

Eyre M. 
Shaw, Chief Officer, Metropolitan Fire Brigade. 


Return showing Liability on account of Borrowed Money on 18th December, 18S0. 

City Estate or Borough Fund Liability, Improvement Bate Liability, Water Works Fund Liability, 

7 0 (page 2.) 
118,719 6 4 (page 3.) 
572,479 4 ti (page 4.) 
Total indebtedness of the Corporation of Dublin on account Borrowed Money on 18th December, 1880, 902,291 17 10 

Thomas O'Donnell, City Accountant. 
December, 1880. 

Table showing amount of Loans which the Board of Womb, Ireland, have agreed to advance, 

and amounts which have been received on account of such agreement. 

Purpose of Loan. 

For Paving, Stone, For like, "Wood, . 


For Sewer Works, For Abattoir, 

Total Amount of Loan Required. 

£ 96,000 4,000 30,000 15,000 145,000 

Amounts which have heen 

Balances to be received received on on Account Account. 
I of Loans. 

30,000 2,000 20,000 2,000 54,000 

£ 66,000 2,000 10,000 13,000 91,000 

Terminable Annuity. 

7 0 8% 

10 7 0% 

Half-yearly equal in¬ stalments of Principal. 

Interest on Balances per annum. 


In 20 years by 10 equal in¬ stalments, covering both interest and principal. 
In 12 years by 24 equal in¬ stalments, covering both interest and principal. 
In 30 years by 60 ^equal in¬ stalments of principal. 
1 In 30 years by 60 equal in-I stalments of principal. 

Thomas O'Donnell, City Accountant. 
December, 1880.