Certain matters relating to the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth, near Dublin: report, minutes of evidence and appendix

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7 2. 
In 1850 a sum of £1,000 was given by Lord John Beresford, Archbishop of ^rmaah, towards founding a Chair of Ecclesiastical History. 
A further sum of £1,000 was added by Hi§ Grace, in 18,61. 
Tnese two sujns have been invested in the purchase of £932 65. 
Bank*of Ireland Stock. 
The income arising from the endowment has varied from £74 Us. 
5 c?*. 
to £4 25 10s. 
* The-Professor has (during the la«t fifteen years) received a salary "of £100 a ye'ar. 
' \ \ * 

To these must be added the endowments for Scholarships, Exhibitions, and Prizes amounting to £188 18s. 
We shall give the particulars when we come to the expen diture in connexion with the Divinity School. 
We have inquired of the Board as to the mode of conferring Degrees in the Faculty of Theology—the examinations to be passed, the length of time to be devoted to the study of it the payments to be made, and all other conditions necessary to be performed in order to obtain each Degree in Theology. 
Their reply was to the following effect. 
The present rules are as follows:— __pp.No.xv 
A Bachelor in Divinity must be a Master or Bachelor of Arts of three years standing. 
He must have undergone a special examination in Divinity before the Regius Professor according to rules prescribed by the Provost and Senior Fellows with the consent of the Professor. 
A Doctor in Divinity must be a B.D. 
of five years standing. 
He must present to the Professor a printed thesis in which he has treated of and .explained 
some portion of doctrine from the Holy Scriptures, or of the History of the Church, or of Dogmatic Theolog}\ This thesis is to be approved by the Re'gius Professor. 
Those who were students before 30th November," 187*6, may up to 1S92 obtain degrees under the regulations which formerly existed, as follows :—-A Bachelor in Divinity must be M.A. 
of seven years standing. 
Before private grace of the House can be obtained for this degree the candidate must perform the necessary exercises before the Regius Professor or his deputy. 
These are one Concio ad Clerum in Latin and one Sermon in English ad Populum. 

A Doctor in Divinity must be B.D. 
of five years standing, and in Priest's Orders. 
The exercises to be performed before the Regius Professor are an English Sermon ad Populum, and a Latin one ad Clerum. 
When the^Deg/rees'of B.D. 
and D.D. 
are taken together the exercises for both must be performed. 
There are no Lectures to be attended. 
The fees are— 

£ s. 
Theologiffi Baccalaureus, , . 
, . 
Theologiee Doctor, . 

Part III. 
The third branch of our inquiry is into the expenditure of the College and University in connexion with the Divinity School, and whether it would be proper that the same respectivelyshould be continued or other provision made in lieu thereof. 
This expenditure would include Scholarships, Exhibitions, and Prizes in addition to what is paid to Pro¬ fessors, Lecturers, and Examiners. 
We put queries to the Board as to the Number of Scholarships, &c, &c, in Divinity, their value, and the trusts affecting any that may be of private endowment We find that those of private endowment are as lollows :— AP1X No-


Annual Value. 
£ _. 
<L Two "Bedell" Scholarships of £20, . 
-0 0 0 

An annuity of £50, late Irish currency, for the foundation of 5 " Downes'" Exhibi¬ tions of £9 is. 
each, . 
, . 
46 3 4 

Prizes founded by Nicholas Forster, Bishop of Baphoe (with accumulation), to the two best answerers at the Final Examination of the Junior Divinity Class, . 
16 0 0 Prizes founded in 1707, by the Rev. 
Downes, d.d., 
as follows :— "Downes'" Divinity Premiums for Written Composition, 

And ........ 
" Downes'" Premiums for Extempore Speaking, 

And ........ 
" Downes'" Premiums for reading the Liturgy, 

And ........ 
The "Bedell" prize, ....... 
The "Kyle"prize, " The Church Formularies " prize (founded by Judge Warren), . 

Total of Private Endowments, . 

• . 
188 18 1 

18 9 2 9 4 7 11 1 6 7 7 8 7 7 8 3 13 10 10 0 0 9 10 4 10 0 0