Returns of local taxation in Ireland, 1866-68

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General Summary. 

Appendix I.—Town 
Councils, 9 Towns, ...... 

Estimate for Kilkenny and Clonmel not returned, 

Estimated Total for 11 Towns, 


Commissioners, 51 Towns, ..... 
Estimate for 21 Towns not returned, based on former Returns, 

Estimated Total for 72 Towns, 

„ III.—Lighting 
and Cleansing Commissioners, 12 Towns, 

Estimate for 5 Towns not returned, "based on former Returns, 

Estimated Total for 17 Towns, 


in Towns and Townships under Special Acts, 5 Towns, 

Estimate for 1 Town not returned, based on former Returns, 

Estimated Total for 6 Towns, 

„ Y.—Municipal 
Commissioners under 3 and 4 Vic., 
108, 1 Borough, estimated, „ 

Metropolitan Police Commissioners, .... 

„ VII.—Municipal 
Tolls at Markets and Fairs, 19 Towns, 

Estimate for 4 Towns not returned, based on former Returns, 

Estimated Total, included in above amounts, Less Money borrowed during year, included in above Receipts :— 

Town Councils, ........ 
Town Commissioners, ....... 
Lighting and Cleansing Commissioners, .... 
Commissioners under Special Acts, ..... 

£ *. 
371,725 3 1 5,574 0 0 

21,090 11 6,849 0 

9 0 

9,210 10 3,972 O 

3 0 

63,933 IS 946 0 

11 0 

22,276 9 0 2,470 0 0 24,746 9 0 

59,475 0 0 1,219 5 3 900 19 9 27,390 0 0 

Appendix VIII.-

Total Estimated Taxation raised during year 1866, for Town purposes in Ireland, 

-Town Councils, 9 Towns, ... 
Estimate for Kilkenny and Clonmel not returned, . 

Estimated Total for 11 Towns, 


Commissioners, 50 Towns, ..... 
Estimates for 21 Towns not returned, based on former Returns, . 

Estimated Total for 71 Towns, 

„ X.—Lighting 
and Cleansing Commissioners, 12 Towns, . 

Estimate for 5 Towns not returned, based on former Returns, 

Estimated Total for 17 Towns, 


XL—Commissioners in Towns and Townships under Special Acts, 6 Towns, 

Estimate for 2 Townships, not returned, based on former Returns, 

Estimated Total for 8 Towns, .... 

, XII.—Municipal 
Commissioners under 3 & 4 Vic, c. 
108,1 Borough, estimated, „ 

Metropolitan Police Commissioners, 

„ XIV.—Municipal 
Tolls at Markets and Fairs, 18 Towns, . 

Estimate for 4 Towns not returned, based on former Returns, 

Estimated Total included in above amounts, . 

Less Money borrowed during year:— 

Town Councils, ........ 
Town Commissioners, ....... 
Lighting and Cleansing Commissioners, .... 
Commissioners under Special Acts, ..... 

393,823 5,574 

6 0 

8 0 

24,533 6,720 

18 O 

1 0 

6,992 3,972 

8 0 

9 0 

98,311 1,221 

1 0 

9 0 

22,022 18 11 2,470 0 0 24,492 18 11 

85,050 0 0 4,755 12 2 l,12fi 2 1 56,458 0 0 

Total Estimated Taxation raised during the year 1867 for Town purposes In Ireland, 

Appendix XV.—Town 
Councils, 9 Towns, ....... 

Estimate for Kilkenny and Clonmel not returned, 

Estimated Total for 11 Towns, .... 

„ XVI.—Town 
Commissioners, 50 Towns, ..... 

Estimate for 22 Towns not returned, based on former Returns, 

Estimated Total for 72 Towns, .... 

„ XVII.—Lighting 
and Cleansing Commissioners, 10 Towns, 

Estimate for 7 Towns not returned, based on former Returns, . 

Estimated Total for 17 Towns, .... 

„ XVIII.—Commissioners 
in Towns and Townships under Special Acts, 6 Towns, 

Estimate for 2 Townships not returned, based on former Returns, 

Estimated Total for 8 Towns, .... 

„ XIX.—Municipal 
Commissioners under 3 and i Vic, c. 
108, s. 
16, l Borough, estimated, 


Metropolitan Police Commissioners, .... 

„ XXI.—Municipal 
Tolls at Markets and Fairs, 18 Towns, 

Estimate for 5 Towns not returned, based on former Returns, . 

Estimated Total for 23 Towns, included in above amounts, Lees Money borrowed during year:— 

Town Councils, ......... 
Town Commissioners, ........ 
Lighting and Cleansing Commissioners, ..... 
Commissioners under Special Act, ..... 

373,006 14 10 5,574 0 0 

4 6 6,952 0 0 

5,249 14 10 5,605 0 0 

107,993 14 11 1,221 0 0 

21,811 12 10 3,295 0 0 

Total Receipts. 

£ S. 

377,299 3 1 

27,939 11 9 

13,182 10 a 

64,879 16 11 358 18 6 36,583 1 1 

520,243 1 7 

88,985 5 O 431,257 in O 

399,397 6 8 

31,253 18 1 

10,964 8 9 

99,532 1 9 

386 18 6 36,375 6 10 

577,910 0 

147,389 14 3 430,520 6 4 

378,580 14 10 

30,493 4 6 

10,854 14 10 

109,214 14 11 

386 18 6 37,668 7 S 

25,108 12 10 

22,656 18 8 2,268 2 10 386 5 0 58,430 0 0 

Total Estimated Taxation raised during year 1868 for^own purposes in Ireland, Average Taxation for Town purposes for three years 1866,1867,1868, . 

562,198 15 3 

83,741 6 S 483,457 8 9 448,399 1 6