Select Committee on Waterford County Election Petition: minutes of evidence, proceedings and index

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£\ Kennedy.

2 April
] 1:;57.

5778. Did you see them in Dungarvan during
that election ?—-I did.

5779. Did you see them in or near the polling-
booth at that election ?—Yes, they were presiding
at different polling-places.

5780. Who was presiding ?—They were acting
ay agents,recording the votes for Mr. DeLaPoer's

5781. That is to say, Mr. Barry, Mr. Dennehey,
and Mr. llodney?—Yes.

5782. Was that on the polling-day ?—That was
on the polling-day.

578.3. Do you know Mr. Piichard Hudson?—
I do, T know him.

5784. Did you sec him in Dungarvan, at the
election?—Yes, he was the conducting agent for
Mr, De La Poer in Dungarvan; Mr. Hudson him¬
self lold me he was conducting the election for
Ml'. De La Poer.

Mr. 0'Malley objected to this evidence.

5785. lAr. Bourhe.'] Do you know of your own
knowledge that Mr. Hudson was the conducting
agent fen' Mr. De La Poer?

Mr. (f Malley again objected to the ques¬

5786. Mr. Steiihens?^ Where did you see Mr.
LLidson ?—In the court-house, and I saw him
coming out of Mr. De La Poer's committee-
rooms, and I saw him going down with voters.

5787. Where were they?—In the town of
Dii ngiirvan, in a street called Blackpool, at
U'Neiirs Hibernian Ilotel.

5788. Have you said where those committee-
rooms were ?—At the Hibernian Ilotel.

5789. What is tJic name of tlie person who
ke('i).- it ?—(3'Ncill is the proprietor.

5790. You say you saw Mr. Hudson come out
of O'Neill's Ilotel ?—Yes.

5791. Ami a'o in ?—And go in ; I met him in
the house, in the committee-room, some time
befoi'c tlie election ; I met him in the place.

5792. You yourself were in Mr. De La Poor's
coinnilttee-rooms ?—This was in the evening,
llicrc was no bHsi] ])eing done; this was at
the iiolcl, and Mi-. Hudson was there, and he
told me he was sleeping in the house, so as to be
near his business.

579.'^. \Yhat did you see Mr. Hudson do dur¬
ing the election?—I saw him going down to the
couri-housc with voters, and going into the court¬
house with tliem.

5794. Did you see him take them to the poll?
—No ; I saw him bring them to the court-house,
and hand ihem over to the agent there.

5795. You saw him bring voters to the court¬
house ?—Yes.

5795. ^ind hand them over to the agent there?
—And hand them over to the agent there.

5797. By the Committee.^ Whose agent?—
Mr. De La Puer' s agent.

5798. i\Ii-. Bouvke.~\ Can you give the names
of 1he persons to whom you saw him hand over
\otcrs, or any of them?—He gave them to jMr.
Jamo.s ]>arry at one time.

5799. And anybody else ?—I could not swear
to anybody else ; ~


5800. Do you remember the occasion of Mr.
De La Poer's first entry hito Dungarvan?—I do.

5801. AVhen was that?—On the 21st of No¬

5802. Was it any particular day ?—It was a
fair day in Dungarvan.

I saw him coino; down with

5803. Were there a great many people in tte
town ?—There were a great number of people in
the town.

5804. How did Mr. De La Poer enter; was he
on foot ?—He was in a carriage with four horses J

5805. Was there anybody with him that you
saw ?—Mr. Sherlock was with him.

5806. Who is Mr. Sherlock ?—He is a mao-is-
trate residing in the neighbourhood of Dun¬
garvan, and there was Mr. Pearce Marcus
Baron and another Mr. Baron.

5807. Who was ilr. Pearce Marcus Baron?
—A magistrate residing close to the city of

5808. Who is the other ?—Mr. De La Poer's
agent; he is the secretary to the Grand Jury of
the county of Waterford.

5809. Was there any other person accompany¬
ing Mr. De La Poer on that occasion besides tlie
gentlemen you have named ?—There was a great
crowd of people.

5810. Tell us any other persons whom you re¬
cognised?—Amongst the crowd I saw Mr. Thomas
Slattery, the solicitor, and Mr. llobert Nut-
bourne, also a solicitor; and I saw also several
of the Dungarvan shopkeepers, a great number of
them, and a great number of country people, it
being a fair day.

5811. Do you know Eichard O'Donnell?—I
saw him once, he was pointed out to nie once.

5812. Was Mr. Slattery or not in company
with Mr. De La Poer?—Y'es, he was, decidedly.

5813. By the Coininittee.'\ Was he more in his
company tlian any other poeple who were in the
crowd ?—-Yes, he was standing at Mr. Le La
Poer's shoulder at the window, when he made
his speech, and he spoke himself immediately
after Mr. De La Poer.

5814. Where was that?—At the Devonshire
Anns Hotel.

5815. Mr. Bonrltc.~\ Did you see where his
friends went ?—They went to Dr. Halley's house,
the parish priest's.

5816. Did you see any person go in with them?
—The gentlemen that were in the carriage lyitli
Mr. Do La Poer, and Mr. Slattery went in; se¬
veral went in, friends of Dr. ITalley's.

5817. From Dr. Halley's house did they go
anywhere else ?—In a few minutes they went to
the Devonshire Arms Hotel, a couple of doors
from Dr. Halley's houses.

5818. Did you see anything take ])lace at the
Devonshire Arms Hotel? — I saw Dr, Hallej
introduce Mr. De La Poer to the people, ana
then Dr, Halley made a long speech.

5819. Where was Dr. Halley, and where were
the people?—The i)eople were in the street, ant
Mr. De La Poer and Dr. Halley and a lot ol
gentlemen were standing at an open window up
stairs; they had the window sash taken out, an
the place was all open. . ,

5820. You say that Dr. Halley addressed m

crowd ?—Yes. jy ,,

5821. Did you hear anything that Dr. txa ;
said ?—He was talking a great deal abou
ability in conducting elections, and wdiat ie j
at the election of 1826; he had with the mde:l |
pendent men of Durgarvan beat Dorc[ e d
Beresford in 1826, and he hoped to do the
thing at this election. ^

5822. He spoke of the Bercsfords in 1826.-

^ 5823. Did he say anything about the Ba-erfoj