Returns of local taxation in Ireland, 1865

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JjvX^l 7lytth? 
talS M'e l6Vied With and iMluded ia the poor-rates, but the Z^Xm^f pmp°ses t0 which Irisl1 aDd EngLh p«— 

General Summary. 
It appears from the preceding Tables that the receipts in 1865 of bodies levying local taxes m Ireland, corresponding to those included in the local taxation returns for England and Wales, may be estimated as follows •— 

Table I.—Town 

II-—Town Commissioners, III.—Lighting 
and cleansing do., 
with property but no rates, . 
in Towns under special Acts, VII.—Dublin 
Commissioners of Metropolitan Police, VIII.—Tolls 
and dues levied at Fairs and Markets (included 

in Town returns), .... 
Jury Cess, ..... 
levied at Bridges and Ferries, . 

Less Cork included in Town Council returns, XL—Harbour dues, ..... 
Less Waterford and Wicklow included in Town returns, ...... 

Navigation, ..... 
Less contribution from county included in Grand Jury Cess, ..... 


Instalments of principal levied £ s. 
(till March 1866), . 
57,484 3 10 Less estimated amount of con¬ tribution from county in¬ cluded in Grand Jury Cess, 8,305 14 6 Rates for maintenance, .... 


Town Boards included in Town returns, 117 1 9|-Union Boards, Less included in Poor Rates till September, 1865, . 

Rates for year ended 25 September 1865, 

£ s. 
361,923 6 94 25,422 15 8f 13,159 12 101 358 18 6 400 0 0 25,009 6 8 36,746 3 3 

23,717 7 2 6,620 14 8 

53 14 10 


215,336 14 2 

948 10 7 4,871 18 11 1,289 6 8 

463,020 3 9| 1,060,422 17 0 

6,566 19 10 

214,388 3 7 

3,582 12 3 

49,178 9 4 3,309 12 5 

3,576 2 5 714 3 10 

52,488 1 9 

2,861 18 7 731,852 4 2* 2,565,083 1 0 There are some other local faxes with respect to which returns have not been collected for this Report, as they do not correspond in incidence or application with the taxes included in the English abstracts. 
Although the omitted taxes are not large in amount (the aggregate may bo estimated at less than £100,000 a year), still there are important principles involved in their administra¬ tion, and returns of them would be necessary in order to give an exhaustive account of the local taxation in Ireland, and it would be desirable to have them included in future years. 
It would, for a similar reason, be desirable that the taxes in Englandand Wales which in any way correspond with them should be included in the local taxation returns for England and Wales. 
The taxes to which I refer are as follow:—Fees to local officers or of local application, such as the fees to Clerks of the Crown, Clerks of the Peace, Secretaries to Grand Juries, Clerks to Town Commissioners, and Petty Sessions Clerks. 
The fees to the latter officers have been converted into stamps and put under central regulation. 
The stamps levied by the Commissioners of Charitable Loan Funds in Ireland, the fees received by Pawnbrokers' Auctioneers and the Marshal of the City of Dublin, the fees paid on the examination of Masters and Mates and in the engagement and discharge of crews and on the renewal of certificates under the Merchant Shipping Act, the fines and penalties which are applied in aid of the Petty Sessions Clerks' Fund. 
I have not included the pilotage and light dues which are given m the English volume for 1865 as J find that the light dues for'the United Kingdom are now managed by the