Bill for regulating Keeping of Dogs and for Protection of Sheep and other Property from Dogs in Ireland

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Dogs Regulation {Ireland).

tion Clause,


The Expression " Registrar," as used in this Act, shall mean
the Registrar under the Petty Sessions Clerks (Ireland) Act,
1858 :

The Expression " Lord Lieutenant," as used in this Act, shall
mean the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or 5
Governors of Ireland ;

The Expression " Chief or Under Secretary," as used in this Act,
shall mean the Chief or Under Secretary of the Lord Lieu¬
tenant, or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland :

The Expression " Petty Sessions Clerk," as used in this Act, shall 10
mean the Clerk of any Petty Sessions Court under the
" Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act, 1851," and the " Petty Sessions
Clerk (Ireland) Act, 1858 ;" and shall include the Chief or
other Clerk of any Police Coiu't in the Police District of Lublin
Metropolis: 15

The Expression " Justice or Justices at Petty Sessions," as used
in this Act, shall incltide any Divisional Justice of Dublin
Metropolitan Police; and the Expression " Petty Sessions
District," as used in this Act, shall incltide the Police District
of the Dublin Metroj)olis. 20

sioners of
Inland Ee-
vernie to , -
provide Dies
for denoting


5. The Commissioners of Inland Revenue shall provide all
necessary Dies for denoting, either by impressed or adhesive Stamps,
the Amount or Yalue of Licenses according to the Scale fixed in
Schedule A. to this Act annexed; and the Registrar shall, under 25
the Direction and Supervision of the Chief or Under Secretary,
cause a sulficient Supply of the Eorms in the Schedule (B.) to this
Act annexed to be printed; and the said Commissioners shall cause •
any of such Eorms to be stamped according to this Act with proper
Stamps denoting the License Duty thereon; and the Registrar shall 30
cause the same, when so stamped, and also any adhesive Stamps
that may be necessary for the Purposes of this Act, to be from Time
to Time fiunished to the several Petty Sessions Clerks in Ireland;
and for the Pm-poses .aforesaid the said Commissioners shall supply
the Registrar with such stamped Eorms and adhesive Stamps for 35
denoting the Amount or Value of any of such Licenses, under such
Rules and Regulations as the Chief or Under Secretary shall from
Time to Time make or direct.

License to 6. Any Person, after the Commencement of this Act, having in
keep Dogs, Possession or Custody any Dog or Dogs, shaU, on or before the 40
Thirty-first Day of March in each Year, take out a License for such
