Bill to alter Distribution of Constabulary Force in Ireland, and to make better provision for Police Force in Borough of Belfast

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Constahuldry Force {Ireland) Act Amendment Bill. 1



Alter the Distribution of the Constabulary Force
in Ireland, and to make better Provision foi* the
Police Force in the Borough of Belfast.

"HEREAS tlie Lords Justices of Ireland did, on the Tliird Preamble.
Day of November One thousand eight hundred and
sixty-four, issue their Warrant to certain Commissioners,
directing them to hold a Corut of Inquiry at Belfast, and to report
5 upon the existing local Arrangements for the Preservation of the
Peace of that Borough, the Magisterial Jm-isdiction exercised
within it, and the Amount and Constitu.tion and Efficiency of the
Police Eorce usually available there, and other Matters relating
thereto ; And whereas the said Commissioners, having duly inqrured
10 into the said several Matters as directed by the said Warrant, have
made their Keport thereon, dated the Eighth Day of March last:
And whereas it is expedient to provide for the more effectual
Preservation of the Peace of the said Borough, and to alter the
Distribution of the Constabulary Eorce now maintained in the
15 several Counties and ToAvns in Ireland, and for that Purpose to
amend an Act passed in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Years of
the Beign of Her Majesty, Cliaj^ter Seventeen, intituled " An Act
" to amend the Act of the Eleventh and Twelfth Years of Her
[Bill 122.] A " Majesty