Commissioners of National Education in Ireland: twenty-third report, 1856, with appendices

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APPENDIX A. Appendix A.
Rules and Regulations of the Commissioners of National euies and

T71 Reflations

Education. of Commis¬


Part I.

Paet I.

I Object and Fund.vmentai, Prwciple of the System op National


1. Tlio object of the .=iystem of National Education is to afford combined
literary and moral, and separate religious instruction, to children of all persuasions,
as far as possible, in the same school, upon the fundamental principle, that no
attempt shall be made to interfere â– with the peculiar religious tenets of any
description of Christian pupils.

2. It is the earnest wish of Iler Alajesty's Government, and of the Commis¬
sioners, that the Clergy and Laity of the different religious denominations should
co-operate in conducting National Schools.

3. The Cominissionei-s by themselves, or their Officers, are to be allowed to
visit and examine the Schools whenever they think fit. Those who visit on the
pai't of the Commissioners are furnished with credentials under their Seal.

4. The Commissioners will not change any fundamental Rule without the
express permission of His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant.

II.—Management of National Schools. § ii.

1. The local government of the National Schools is vested in the local Patrons

2. The Commissioners recognise as the local Patron the person who applies
in the first instance to place the School in conne.vion with the Board, unless it
he othei-wise specified in the application.

3. If a School be under the local management of a School-Committee, such
Committee has all the rights of an individual Patron.

4. The Patron has the right of nominating any fit person to act as his repre¬
sentative in the local management of the School; such representative to be
designated the ''Local Manager." The Patron may, at anytime, resume the
direct management of the School, or appoint another Local Manager.

This rule applies equally whether the Patronship be vested in one or more

5. When a school is vested in Trustees, they have the right to nominate the
Local Manager.

C. When a School Is vested in the Comuiissiouers, the name of the Patron or
Patrons is inserted in the lease.

7. In the case of a vacancy in the Patronship by death, the reiiresciitative of
a lay Patron, or the successor of a clerical Patron, is recognised by the Board
(where no valid objection exists) as the person to succeed to the Patronship of
the School.

8. If a Patron wishes to resign the office, he hag the power of nominating his
successor, subject to the approval of the Board.