Return from each Corporation, Town Council, Town Commissions, or other Public Body in Ireland of Receipts and Payments, 1854

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RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, 

dated 16 May 1855 y—far, 

A RETURN " from each Corporation, Town Council, Town or Water Commissioners, or other Public Body, having a Right to levy Rates off the Inhabitants of Towns in Ireland, being a Statement of the Receipts and Payments of each in 1854, showing the Receipts—1st. 
Balance, if any, in Treasurer's Hands on the 1st day of January 1854; 2d. 
Amount received from Rents; 3d. 
Amount received from Tolls, Assessments or Rates; 4th. 
Amount of Money borrowed; 5th. 
Receipts from all other Sources; and, 6th. 
Balauce, if any, due to the Treasurer on the 31st day of December 1854; and Payments—1st. 
Balance, if any, due to the Treasurer on the 1st day of January 1854; 2d. 
Lighting, Watching and Cleansing Expenses; 3d. 
Repairs; 4th. 
Improvements; 5th. 
Salaries; 6th. 
Law Charges; 7th. 
Interest on Debts; 8th. 
Annuities; 9th. 
Debts paid off; 10th. 
Incidental Expenses; and 11th. 
Balance, if any, in Treasurer's Hands on the 31st day of December 1854: Also, the Amount of Debt due by each such Body on the 1st day of January 1854 and the 31st day of December 1854, in Classes, distin¬ guishing, 1st. 
The bonded Debt; 2d. 
The Amount due to Contractors; 3d. 
To Bank; 4th. 
To other Parties; 5th. 
To Treasurer, with the Rate of Interest on each Class of Debt, and the Increase or Decrease of the Debt during the Year :" " And, Similar RETURN from each Port, Harbour, or Dock Commissioners, or other similar Body having Power to levy Tonnage or Goods Rates in any Port in Ireland." 

(Sir Robert Ferguson.) 

Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 

1 o August 1855, 
