Report of the Select Committee on Outrages

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1 §7 1933. 
Have you any other document to produce?—I 
hold &'J: in my hand threatening notices which were posted, with Bro^nn^ reference to the parties who are named therein. 

Posted where?—Tn 
the county of Armagh, 30 April 

185a, [The Witness delivered in the following doewjient, 'which 

was 7*ead:] t{ County of Armagh, District of Newtown Hamilton. 

Newtown Hamilton, 24 March 1852. 
I have to report that on the morning of the 23d instant two anony¬ mous threatening notices, true copy of which I give on the other side, was fuund, one posted on a gate post, and the other lying in the street, near to the residence of James Quinn, who resides at Bally-newry, parish of M ullabrack, barony of Lower Fews. 
The cause assigned for the notices being left with Quinn, is owing to his having become tenant for a farm of Loud, fiom which a man named George Gibson had been evicted from in the month of July last. 

is Quinn's landlord. 

(signed) Thomas Armstrong, 

Sub-Inspector of Constabulary. 
Jamas Quinn. 
Ballynewry, 1852. 
We are informed that you have taken a part of George Gibson's farm of land, and Sir, take notice that if you enter on that land which you have no say on, nor any other in Baliynewry, it will be better for both you and them that you never saw it; and^James Quinn take further notice that when we come we are like death, we will take no denyel, so have your sheet and coffin prepared, you dont know the day nor the hour that the will be used,—Greer will be of no use to you. 

[The Witness also delivered in thefollowing document:]* The following are the pass words for March 1852. 
Derby, Russell, and Palmerston are joined. 
Coercion will take place, we will fight for liberty or die in the field. 

Committee Words. 
Peace and plenty we expect, Yes, if not ltindeied by English law,