State, discipline, studies and revenues of the University of Dublin, and of Trinity College: report of Her Majesty's Commissioners

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Lktterto [1.] Letter from the Secretary to the Commission to the Registrar to the

the KeOISTRAP. to y~, p T7' Ci • ci

the Governors of (tOVERNOUS 01 il,RASMUS SMITHS SCHOOLS.

Khasmus Smith's t~v -lt tt • •, ^ ■ ■

Schools. JJudIhi University Commission,

  40, Trinity College, Dublin,

Sir, November 25, 1851.

Profesorship^^ I directed by Her Majesty's Commissioners for the University of Dublin to apply

Exhibitions. to you for a copy of each of the following documents, which the Commis.sioners find it

necessary to refer to in connexion with their inquiries respecting the Erasmus Smith's
Professorships and Exhibitions in tlie University of Dublin:—

]. The Private Act of Parliament of 10 Geo. I., for the application of the rents of the
lands given by Erasmus Smith, Esq., for charitable purposes.

2. The Resolutions of the Governors of Erasmus Smith's Schools, in 1762, founding the
Professorships of Modern History and Mathematics.

3. Regulations which have been from time to time, since 1723, made by the Board of
Governors with respect to the Erasmus Smith's Professorships and Exhibitions.

I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant,

(Signed) W. Keilson Hancock,

Rev. Hugh Hamilton, Registrar, Secretary.

11, Kildare-street.

JiETTER FROji THE [2.] Letter from tho Registrar to the Governors of Erasmus Smith's Schools to
^^'goVernors'oTâ„¢ the secretarr to the Commission.

^'"^SchoomI^" ^ Board-room of the Governors of the Schools founded

 , by Erasmus Smith, Esq.,

Dear Sir, December 1,1851.

On receipt of your letter of November 25, I have made the searches and extracts
which you require, and which I now lay before the Commissioners, with a copy of the
Charter and the several Acts of Parliament.

I remain, dear Sir, your faithful servant,

(Signed) Hugh Hamilton,
W. N. Hancock, Esq., ll.d. Registrar.

Orders or the [3.] Orders of the Governors of the Erasmus Smith's Schools, in 1762, founding the
ERAsI^us'slaTii's Professorships of Modern History, and of ilathematics, and sundry Resolutions relating
Schools. Erasmus Smith's Professorships and Exhibitions in Trinity College.

Order of November 1, 1762.

Tlie Erasmus Smith's The Memorial of the Provost and Eellows of Trinity College being laid before the
Professorships and Board, in pursuance of the order of March 13, 1759—Ordered, That the Treasurer do
Exlubitions., Bursar of said College the annual sum of Four Hundred and Twenty-five

Pounds, towards the erecting and supporting a Professor of Mathematics, a Professor of
Oriental Tongues, a Professor of Oratory, and a Professor of History, with their respective
Assistants, agreeably to the said Alemorial, subject to such regulations or alterations as the
Provost and Senior Fellows shall from lime to time think proper to make, with the consent
and approbation of this Board.

Order of February 5, 1763.

Ordered, That the Treasurer do pay the Bursar of Trinity College the annual sum of
Sixty-five Pounds, to be by him paid over to the Lecturer on Philosophy for the time
being in said College, to commence the 1st November last, as Professor of Philosophy,
over and above the Thirty-five Pounds a-^year ]3ayable to him as Lecturer, and that for the
future he be styled Professor and Lecturer in Philosophy.

The distribution of £940 a-year paid to Trinity College, viz.:—

1724. Three Fellows, at £33 6s. %d. . . . . . . . £100

1724. Twenty Exhibitions for Poor Scholars, at £8 a year, . . . 160

1724. Fifteen do. do. at £6 a-year, . . . 90

1762. A Professor of Mathematics and two Assistants, . . . . 110
A Professor of Oriental Tongues (in which is included £30 formerly

appointed for a Hebrew Lecturer) and two Assistants, . . 140
A Professor of Oratory (in which is included£35 formerly appointed

for a Lecturer in History and Oratory), and one Assistant, . 120

A Professor in History and one Assistant, . . . . . 120
A Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy (in which is

included £35 formerly appointed for the Lecturer), . . 100
