State, discipline, studies and revenues of the University of Dublin, and of Trinity College: report of Her Majesty's Commissioners

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liei)ly on Tjelialf of
Trinity College to
Statement of Royal
College of Surgeons,
US to Diploma in
Surgery of the Uni-
"versity of Dublin.

lowering the qualifications and status of the Physician, but by raising those of the Surgeon;
conferring upon the latter an Academic rank, and affording him the advantage of an
Academic discipline.


William Stokes, m.d., Regius Professor of Physic;

Fellow of the College of Physicians, &c.

James W. Cusack, m.d.. University Professor of Sur¬
gery ; Fellow of the lioyal College of Surgeons
in Ireland, &c.

Robert Harrison, m.d.. Professor of Anatomy;





Fellow of the Royal

James Ap.tohn, m.d.. Professor of Chemistry; Hono¬
rary Fellow of the College of Physicians.

Robert W. Smith, m.d., Professor of Surgery; Fel¬
low of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

William F. Montgomery, m.d., Professor of Mid¬
wifery ; President of the College of Physicians.

George J. Allman, m.d.. Professor of Botany, Fel¬
low of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

Approved by the Board of Trinity College, Dublin.

Thomas Luby, d.d..

May 20, 1852. Registrar of the University.

Regulations of the Surgical Diploma of the University of Dublin.

The Diploma in Surgery may be obtained by such Students as are matriculated in Medi¬
cine, and have completed at least one year in Arts, on the following conditions :—

1. To complete one year in Arts, it shall be necessary to have answered at least one
Examination, subsequent to the Junior Freshman year; or to have completed the Junior
Freshman year only, by passing the Michaelmas Examination of that year, and keeping one
previous Term, either by Lectures or by Examination.

2. Students who have not passed an Examination in the Senior Freshman year will be
required to attend one Course of Lectures in Logic. Students who have not j)assed the
Junior Sophister year of the Undergraduate Course Avill be required to attend one Course
of Lectures on Mechanics with the Assistant to the Professor of Natural Philosophy.

3. Students so qualified will be admitted to Examination for the Diploma in Surgery, as
soon as they shall have completed the prescribed Curriculum.

4. This Curriculum shall extend over a period of four years, and shall comprise attend¬
ance upon the following Courses of Lectures in the School of Physic in Ireland ;—

Anatomy and Physiology, .
Demonstration and Dissections,
Theory and Practice of Surgery,
Practice of Medicine,

Chemistiy, ....
Materia Medica,

Midwifery, ....
Practical Chemistry,

Botany, .....
Medical Jurisprudence, .

Three Courses.
Three Courses.
Three Courses.
One Course.
One Course.
One Course.
One Course.
One Course each,
of three months'

Four of the above-named Courses, together with a Course of Demonstrations and
Dissections, may be attended in any School of Medicine recognised by the University.

Also attendance for three Sessions, each of nine months' duration, on the practice of any
of the following Hospitals, together with attendance on the Clinical Lectures on Medicine
and Surgery there delivered :—

Richmond, Whitworth, and Hardwicke Hosj^itals ; Meath Hospital; Steevens' Hospital;
.Jervis-street Infirmary; City of Dublin Hospital; Mercer's Hospital; St. Vincent's Hospital.

Of tlie Courses of Lectures which are of six months' duration, not more than three can
be attended during any one Session.

5. Candidates for the Diploma, who have complied with the foregoing Regulations, must
pass an Examination before a Court of Examiners, consisting of the Regius Professor of
Physic, the Professors of Anatomy, Surgery, Chemistry, Midwifery, and Botany.

The Examination of each Candidate will be divided into two parts, one of which shall be
devoted to Anatomy and Physiology, Surgical Anatomy, the Theory and Practice of Surgery,
and Operative Surgery; and the other to the Practice of Medicine, Midwifery, Chemistry,
Materia Medica, and Toxicology.

6. Candidates for the Diploma must submit their Certificates and Testimonials of qualifi¬
cation to the Regius Professor of Physic and to the Professor of Surgery, who shall sign
the Chart necessary to be laid before the Senior Lecturer and Registrar, previous to the
issuing of the Liceat ad Examinandum to the Professors