Letters Patent to Corporate Bodies in Ireland, conveying Lands for Education; Orders by Commissioners of Education in Ireland for Free Students in Royal Colleges of Armagh, Dungannon, Enniskillen, Raphoe and Cavan, 1840-50; Correspondence on Royal College

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Charter, *3 August 1629. 

of our said realrne of Ireland, for and in consideration of the faithful service heretofore done to us and our crowne, by our well beloved Frederick Nansen, gent11, born in the kingdom of Denmark, by whatsoever name, sirname, or addition of state, quality, condition or place he may be called or known, and to enable him & make him capable of the grants, benefits & privileges herein after mentd, and for divers other causes & considerations us specially moving: Have granted, and by these presents for us, our heirs and succrs, do grant unto the said Fredk Nansen to be, and that he from henceforth shall and may be our Hedge subject of us, our heirs and succrs of our said kingdom of Ireland, and that his heirs shall and may likewise be leige subjects of us, our heirs and succ1'3; and that as well he the said Frederick Nansen as his heirs shall and may be reputed, held, esteemed and used as our faithful Hedge subjects borne within our said realm of Ireland, and that he and his heirs shall and may have and prosecute all and all manner of actions, suits, quarrels and com¬ plaints of what kind, nature or sort soever in all & sing1' our courts and places of jurisdiction whatsoever within our said kingdome of Ireland, and the fruit and benefit of the said suit and actions to have and enjoy as far forth as any of *our leidge subjects of our said kingdom of Ireland hath, had or may law¬ fully claim to have, & in the said courts and every of them shall and may plead and be impleaded, answer & be answered, defend and be defended, in all matters, causes & things whatr as any other leidge subject of our said king¬ dom of Ireland whats1'; and also of our more abundant grace, certain know¬ lege and meer motion, by the advice and consent aforesd, we do likewise grant unto the sd Frederick Nansen, that he and his heirs shall and lawfully may by all lawful ways & means whats1' purchase, acquire, receive, take, have, hold, buy and possess all & all manner of lands, tenements, rents, reversions, services and other heredit8 whatsr within our sd realm of Ireland; and the same shall & may lawfully use, occupy and enjoy to him & his heirs for ever; and the same shall & may give, sell, alien or otherwise dispose to any person or persons, at his will & pleasure, as freely and absolutely, and without any dis¬ turbance or interruption, as any other our Hedge subjects borne within our said kingdom of Ireland hath usually done or lawfully may do; and that he and his heirs shall and may freely and. 
lawfully have, hold and enjoy .all 
and singr manors, lands, tenements, rents and. 
heredit8 whats1 within our said kingdom of Ireland unto him, by us or by any of our progenitors, or by any other person or persons whatsr before this time given, granted or conveyed, or by these pre¬ sents, or at any time hereafter to be given, granted or conveyed, as freely and absolutely, & without any lett or interruption as any other subject borne within our said kingdom of Ireland, or in our said kingdom of England ; and that he the sd Fredk Nansen and his heirs shall and may lawfully, quietly and without interruption, have, hold, use and enjoy all & all manner of liberties, franchises, privileges & preheminenees of our said kingdom of Ireland, as far forth as any of our leige subjects borne within our said kingdom of Ireland, without any disturbance, molestation, lett, hinderance, impediment or grievance whatso¬ ever of us, our heirs or succrs, or of any of our officers or ministers, or any other person or persons whats1, any statute, act, ordinance or provision heretofore had, made or provided, or any other thing, cause, or matter whatsoever to the con¬ trary thereof in any wise notwithstanding: and yett our will & pleasure is, and we do hereby straightly charge & command the said Frederick Nansen to doe his leige homage unto us, & to pay scott and lott as the rest of our subjects within our sd kingdom of Ireland used to do, and as it is fit and just to be done; and that he the said Fredk Nansen shall be an obedient subject, & obliged to the performance of all and singuler other ordinance, acts, statutes & proclamations of our said kingdom of Ireland, as well such as have been made & published heretofore, as such as shall be made & published hereafter, according to the form and effect of the statute in that ease made and provided, any statute, act, ordnance or provision to the contrary thereof in any wise not¬ withstanding : Provided always, that the said Frcdk Nansen shall pay for all merchandizes to be imported or exported into or out of this kingdomc, like custome and subsidy inward & outward as he should have paid before he was denizen, or as if this grant of denization had never been had no made, any thing these presents contained to the contrary thereof in any wise, notwith¬ standing : And further, of our more abundant grace, certain knowlege, and meer motion, by the advice and consent aforesaid, and according to the intent 

& effect